ok here's the thing that most of you don't understand...
let me explain..
labor does a
for the next financial year right?
do you understand what a "forecast" is?
its like an educational guess... right?
but basically you can say anything you like as a government... you can make up your own figure...
and this is what Labor has been doing every year over the past few years while in power..
now in the last financial year.... they said that income was down on the forecast..
wasn't "their" fault...
get f*cked...
actual revenue was up 7% on the previous year...
so how much income did Labor
to end up with 18 Billion Dolars Debt when your ACTUAL income was up 7% on the previous year... ???
our actual growth rate is only around 2% so if you got 7% growth in income then you should be over the moon...
but because Labor spend like Drunken Sailors... they say that revenue is down... Bullbuggerenshit!!!!
the bloody lying bastards have lost control of the economy and I'm absolutely bewildered, like any right thinking person, that Labor could be 50/50 in the polls...
how politically retarded are Australians?