RightSadFred wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 9:54am:
Why is it always the job of the libs to fix the messes that the ALP leave lying around ?
What you are missing is that assuming Abbott wins he will be given at least a 1 term free pass which is roughly when the fantasy land ALP surplus is predicted so I really don't see the point of this thread.
Its in the ALP's DNA to spend ...... actually overspend and its not in their DNA to even be close to budgetary honesty or credibility.
Its the ALP that is the problem, how did such a moron like swan get the job of treasurer ?
What we don't need is another term of reckless spend and politicised budgets, before you jump on this broad big overspending programmes you need to first balance the books ........ then look at these big ideas ..... even if they had credibility which is very debateable.
I think you are missing the point.
Does tony shout at the top of his lungs, "DEBT AND DEFICIT?"
The answer is yes, he does. Therefore, reasonable human beings would expect tony to explain how he will not have DEBT AND DEFICIT. It isn't about meeting labors surplus timeline; that just means he has performed exactly the same as those he thinks we're utterly horrible. No. For the man who tells ,DEBT AND DEFICIT, surely he must have a plan to remove this DEBT AND DEFICIT?
In fact, given he refuses to support and spending cut, and is now supporting governments spending, how is it even possible for him to get to surplus by 2016/17??
Question remains: what spending is tony going to cut? And how is he going to raise government revenue?