longweekend58 wrote on Aug 4
th, 2013 at 6:41pm:
the problem is that there is little point in discussing policy with you. It doesn't matter what Abbott proposes, you will reject it for any one of a group of artificial reasons.
No they are perfectly valid questions and if answered who knows what my response would be.
longweekend58 wrote on Aug 4
th, 2013 at 6:41pm:
And yet, you embrace Rudd with a passion that defies you otherwise obvious intelligence.
Ahh no not rudd but the actual policy.
Means testing the PHR makes sense
Closing tax loopholes is fine by me
BER was a good idea
Pink batts was a good one as well and tied in nicely with the CT adgenda
Single mothers is a bit tough can do with further refinement
CT no problem with that, although I would pefer to see money invested in R&D than the compo
You cant have a problem with Gonski or NDIS, Tony supports them so, well, so must you.
longweekend58 wrote on Aug 4
th, 2013 at 6:41pm:
The man is a first rate fool. Everything he touches turns to crap. Every policy was designed over lunch and costed on a calculator. You would be hard pressed to point to a single policy that has worked and certainly not one that was cheap and effective.
You cant have both, either you want Cheap or you want Effective.
BTW the CT has worked quite well, IMO
longweekend58 wrote on Aug 4
th, 2013 at 6:41pm:
yet you give him the benefit of the doubt again and again.
No personally I think the man is a sleazy little prick.
His whitanting over the last 2.5 years has been woeful.
longweekend58 wrote on Aug 4
th, 2013 at 6:41pm:
There is almost no standard of 'bad PM' that Rudd could not go below. I don't know if Abbott will be a good or a poor PM. Nobody does. But I am damned sure that virtually nobody could be more arrogant, more egotistical and more disaster-prone than Rudd.
Other than the the highlighted part you can have that.
As I keep saying I look at policy, not the leader, and so far as Al has so succiently put Abbott's is a fantasy which virtually locks in a more disaster.