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RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F. (Read 4004 times)
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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #30 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 11:19am
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 10:28am:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 10:24am:
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 10:09am:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 9:57am:
No actual policies to discuss
A book of dreams with no funding

So we'll go down the road nit picking about what type of aircraft are used.

The glass is indeed empty Sad

Another one that only reads the first two sentences. Their is indeed a very serious policy issue at stake here, to do with the treatment of returned servicemen and women by a self serving prime minister.

bugger off Big
Returned servicemen & women have been screwed over by both parties since WW1.
Don't try & sheet this crap home to Rudd.

By all means whinge about a person who goes to war, gets injured & then has to fight for proper medical treatment, but don't come at this from a partisan point of view it just shows your apparent concern is bullsh!t.

Much thanks for reinforceing my comment about not bothering to read the whole post and go off on a retard tangent.

But this post is about rudd and it is about the treatment of retired servicemen and women by the government, if you want to discuss something else start your own thread,Ill be sure to ignore it.

FFS people tread the fvcken post and not just the fvcken heading!

Why on earth would I place any stock in what Red says?
The OP has no quoted sources, no links to articles to verify
Just apparently Reds mates word,

I made an enquiry via my ex RAAF connections, apparently KRUDD & the first shiela’s trip to Afghanistan via a RAAF KC30-A A330 Tanker was specifically tasked for just him, wife & media visit to Afghanistan.

Well I spoke to my anonymous source in Defence & he said the plane was scheduled to go to "The Ghan" to cover lag time between the Yanks refuelers arriving to replace those going home.

So which load of bullsh!t are you going to back?
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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #31 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 11:32am
Stupid thread. Im sure Rudd didnt have endless meetings disucssing the cheapest and best option of flying into a war zone.
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red baron
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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #32 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:11pm
It is the VERY ESSENCE of what Kevin RUDD represents.

Rudd senses a patriotic media opportunity, knowing that an election is in the winds. In typical 'policy on the run' Rudd style; he  picks up the phone, tells the R.A.A.F. to get a plane ready, a f......g big one, one big enough to take maximum Media, journos, etc.

Then on a wing and a prayer he flies to Afghanistan with Therese in tow. Make his media presentation both he and Therese in their flak jackets.

You see this is where Kevin RUDD is like the mighty OZ a.k.a. Wizard of Oz. He is all smoke and mirrors there is nothing of substance to this Teflon coated fraud, he is putting on a masterclass in bullsh.t for the voting public.

Only thing is, the majority are not buying this flim flam for one solitary second.
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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #33 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:31pm
cods wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 8:47am:
freediver wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 8:46am:
Howard used to borrow one of the F111's to drop his mate borg off at the shops.

oh dear another skippy

You really need to add a 'sarcasm' emoticin, FD.....

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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #34 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:35pm
I guess Howard must have overlooked the opportunity to re-jig DFRB....

That couldn't be possible.....Could it??

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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #35 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:40pm
The KC30-A Tanker belongs & funding expenditure is allocated by No 33 Squadron at Amberley.

I'm surprised this thread wasn't titled "RAAF refuses Rudd VIP aircraft".

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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #36 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:41pm
Lobo wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:35pm:
I guess Howard must have overlooked the opportunity to re-jig DFRB....

That couldn't be possible.....Could it??


Sh1t why don't we blame whitlam for not reviewing the DFRDB when he had the chance as well.

Service members have been actively campaigning the CURRENT government for the last few years and the CURRENT government has chosen to ignore them; that is why howard, keating, hawke, fraser and whitlam have not been mentioned.

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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #37 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:51pm
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:41pm:
Lobo wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:35pm:
I guess Howard must have overlooked the opportunity to re-jig DFRB....

That couldn't be possible.....Could it??


Sh1t why don't we blame whitlam for not reviewing the DFRDB when he had the chance as well.

Service members have been actively campaigning the CURRENT government for the last few years and the CURRENT government has chosen to ignore them; that is why howard, keating, hawke, fraser and whitlam have not been mentioned.

And as they have previous govts.
So why is Wingco X putting it all in Labor's lap....

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"What's in store for me in the direction I don't take?"-Jack Kerouac.
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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #38 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:59pm
Lobo wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:51pm:
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:41pm:
Lobo wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:35pm:
I guess Howard must have overlooked the opportunity to re-jig DFRB....

That couldn't be possible.....Could it??


Sh1t why don't we blame whitlam for not reviewing the DFRDB when he had the chance as well.

Service members have been actively campaigning the CURRENT government for the last few years and the CURRENT government has chosen to ignore them; that is why howard, keating, hawke, fraser and whitlam have not been mentioned.

And as they have previous govts.
So why is Wingco X putting it all in Labor's lap....


As far as I know they have not been actively (important word that one) campaigning any previous governments, this has been a recent activity, well the last 5 years or so.

In a nut shell ONLY the current government has been actively campagned, there is always the odd whinging, but nothing like this.

Rudd / gillard could have done something about this but they refused, and this gives every right to those being screwed over on the DFRDB pension to be very angry.

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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #39 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 3:09pm
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:59pm:
Lobo wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:51pm:
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:41pm:
Lobo wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:35pm:
I guess Howard must have overlooked the opportunity to re-jig DFRB....

That couldn't be possible.....Could it??


Sh1t why don't we blame whitlam for not reviewing the DFRDB when he had the chance as well.

Service members have been actively campaigning the CURRENT government for the last few years and the CURRENT government has chosen to ignore them; that is why howard, keating, hawke, fraser and whitlam have not been mentioned.

And as they have previous govts.
So why is Wingco X putting it all in Labor's lap....


As far as I know they have not been actively (important word that one) campaigning any previous governments, this has been a recent activity, well the last 5 years or so.

In a nut shell ONLY the current government has been actively campagned, there is always the odd whinging, but nothing like this.

Rudd / gillard could have done something about this but they refused, and this gives every right to those being screwed over on the DFRDB pension to be very angry.

Sure about that, BigOl??

I distinctly remember being involved in discussions with my RSL President more than 20 years ago regarding Service Pensions, and what action the RSL was pursuing with the govt in that regard.

Red would know the Pres I am talking about, right Red???

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red baron
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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #40 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 3:15pm
It was LABOR that f......d over the Defence Forces Retirement Fund you wankers.
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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #41 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 3:20pm
Lobo wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 3:09pm:
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:59pm:
Lobo wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:51pm:
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:41pm:
Lobo wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:35pm:
I guess Howard must have overlooked the opportunity to re-jig DFRB....

That couldn't be possible.....Could it??


Sh1t why don't we blame whitlam for not reviewing the DFRDB when he had the chance as well.

Service members have been actively campaigning the CURRENT government for the last few years and the CURRENT government has chosen to ignore them; that is why howard, keating, hawke, fraser and whitlam have not been mentioned.

And as they have previous govts.
So why is Wingco X putting it all in Labor's lap....


As far as I know they have not been actively (important word that one) campaigning any previous governments, this has been a recent activity, well the last 5 years or so.

In a nut shell ONLY the current government has been actively campagned, there is always the odd whinging, but nothing like this.

Rudd / gillard could have done something about this but they refused, and this gives every right to those being screwed over on the DFRDB pension to be very angry.

Sure about that, BigOl??

I distinctly remember being involved in discussions with my RSL President more than 20 years ago regarding Service Pensions, and what action the RSL was pursuing with the govt in that regard.

Red would know the Pres I am talking about, right Red???


That would be the odd whingy bit that I mentioned in my post.

DFRDB has always been crap, but nothing as bad as it is now, hence the bigger campaigns. They we bleating back in my day to, but nothing major.

To justify rudd's inaction by stating that none of the previous PM did anything too is a p1ss weak argument. Rudd's in charge now and he has the abiility to do something and he won't, plain and simple.

All's I can say Im glad I didn't get sucked into the DFRDB sh1t fight, vet affairs is crap enough for me.

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red baron
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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #42 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 3:21pm
Hey, incidentally are all you Labor boys and girls enjoying Rudd reaming your kids savings accounts to pay the bills he can't pay?

Guess the Defence Forces aren't the only ones feeling the pinch of the Grim Reaper Rudd. Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry
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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #43 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 3:24pm
freediver wrote on Aug 9th, 2013 at 8:46am:
Howard used to borrow one of the F111's to drop his mate borg off at the shops.

I chuckled at that!!!
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Re: RUDD's misuse of the RA.A.F.
Reply #44 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 3:41pm
That would be the odd whingy bit that I mentioned in my post.

DFRDB has always been crap, but nothing as bad as it is now, hence the bigger campaigns. They we bleating back in my day to, but nothing major.

To justify rudd's inaction by stating that none of the previous PM did anything too is a p1ss weak argument. Rudd's in charge now and he has the abiility to do something and he won't, plain and simple.

All's I can say Im glad I didn't get sucked into the DFRDB sh1t fight, vet affairs is crap enough for me.
I'm know the people involved at the time didn't regard their campaign as 'nothing major'.

But, and it's still a 'but', should Abbott win out at the coming election, don't expect any great changes.

And if/when they don't happen, we wont go back and blame Rudd, will we???


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