Lobo wrote on Aug 9
th, 2013 at 3:41pm:
That would be
the odd whingy bit that I mentioned in my post.
DFRDB has always been crap, but nothing as bad as it is now, hence the bigger campaigns. They we bleating back in my day to,
but nothing major.To justify rudd's inaction by stating that none of the previous PM did anything too is a p1ss weak argument. Rudd's in charge now and he has the abiility to do something and he won't, plain and simple.
All's I can say Im glad I didn't get sucked into the DFRDB sh1t fight, vet affairs is crap enough for me.
know the people involved at the time didn't regard their campaign as 'nothing major'.
But, and it's still a 'but', should Abbott win out at the coming election, don't expect any great changes.
And if/when they don't happen, we wont go back and blame Rudd, will we???
Yeah, I tend to blame the fvckwit in charge and at the moment it is rudd, so he can wear it.
I have no doubt those people thought is was a decent campaign, but as usual very little media, partly because civvies don't give a bugger about anything other than parades and fly pasts and media cares even less.
And if the people don't care the government don't care, add to that the ex-servicemen don't tend to kick up a stink.
You know why reffos get all the attention / money, is because there is nothing they are not willing to do to get noticed.
So no, your freind's campaign was really nothing major, and prolly ignored by all who shouldn't.