Cory Bernardi: Violently, Ferociously Dumb.
Last year, a guy called Cory Bernardi, who worked as a secretary to Tony Abbott, was sacked after he made some pretty offensive comments in which he claimed that legalising same-sex marriage would definitely lead to the legalisation of polygamy and bestiality. For some reason, he recently decided to again draw attention to himself by more or less saying the same thing. Pretty intelligent move, right? I mean if I lost a job working for a fairly prominent politician by saying something really stupid, I know that ‘saying the same really stupid thing again’ would totally by on MY to-do list.
Now, it’s pretty obvious to anyone with even a modicum of intelligence that legally allowing gay people to recognise their relationship isn’t even remotely the same thing as making it legally ok for people to rape animals. Why Cory Bernardi didn’t seem to get this lack of connection is beyond me – but you know, whatever.
Cory Bernardi is pretty interesting though – he’s got links with Geert Wilders, hates Islam (which may or may not be a defensible position, except that he’s admitted that he doesn’t actually know anything about it) , denies climate change and is just in general a bit of a wanker (as his quote about marriage equality kinda indicates).
Personally, I’ve never been a big fan of the ‘slippery slope’ argument, because it’s kind of a load of poo. Just because you legalise one thing does not mean that you’ll later legalise another – for example, the idea of divorce in Tudor England, whilst now fairly common, hasn’t led to the demise of marriage as we know it.
I don’t really want to go into the ‘slippery slope,’ though (unless you wanna talk about A Series of Unfortunate Events, in which case bring it on), because it’s old and stupid (kinda like Cory Bernardi, I suppose). What I’d like to talk about here is the idea that if marriage equality further down the track leads to the legalisation of polyamorous marriage, that’d be a really bad thing.
Now obviously if you’re Christian (not that I’m saying Christians are bad by singling them out, but they’re without question the most powerful religious group in Australia), then you’re probably not going to be a big fan of polygamy. Fair enough, do what God says etc. But I think the religious thing has also been covered – just because you’re religious doesn’t mean that everyone else has to be. Great, let’s move on.
I don’t really see what the problem with having a polyamorous relationship is. Obviously if you’ve never been in one (I haven’t, and I probably won’t be) then the logistics are probably a bit complicated…but nobody’s forcing you to try one out, so whatever.
Really though, there’s nothing particularly wrong with the idea of a polyamorous relationship, except for all of the so-called problems also raised by opponents of marriage equality (you know – ‘it’s not natural,’ ‘it’s for the children’ etc). Whilst that’s fair enough, and those reasons may be totally valid (they’re not, bugger off) it kinda just means that the only people you’re actually going to be reaching are already on your side – preaching to the converted, if you will.
So really, not only has Bernardi once again managed to make himself look like a total twat, but he’s also not really achieved anything for his cause, because I highly, highly doubt there’s a single thing he could say about polygamy which is actually a valid argument. With that said, though, he’s never before worried about the validity of his arguments, so I can’t imagine that he’ll start now.