We are in the Energy Business & Fossil Fuels will last FOREVER!
Yeah Right?
We Politicians & the Energy Industry have Public Safety, Climate Change & LOWER COSTS, as our Prime concerns!
Yeah Right?
Government's don't spy on their own Public!
Yeah Right?
Government's have the Public's best, long term interests are heart!
Yeah Right?
I'm a Politician, you can Trust me, I tell the Truth!
Yeah Right?
My name is Tony/Kevin & the Liberal/Labor party will exponentially deliver lower taxes, lower Debt & more jobs!
Yeah Right?
The fact is that Government/s & Politicians (from all Party's, in Japan, here in OZ & around the world) and Big Business (Energy company's in particular) and let's not leave out the unions, all have something in common, THEY ARE SEVERELY TRUTH INHIBITED and biased towards their own self interest & that of their own supporters!
It's time, to start sending a few messages & to start off, I suggest voting out every incumbent, at the upcoming OZ Federal Election!