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Who Are The Real Bludgers. (Read 14080 times)
Lord Herbert
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #120 - Aug 16th, 2013 at 4:32pm
Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 4:28pm:
Mnemonic wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 1:55pm:
Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 15th, 2013 at 8:49am:
Don't be so polite, you're making me feel guilty.  Tongue

I just thought if I was going to ask if someone was British (or any other nationality), I better tread carefully. Cool

Ah. You've raised an interesting point.

The only people I have ever met who are NOT paranoid about their nationality are people from the English-speaking countries.

It's only You Ethnics who tense up with paranoid suspicion if someone should ask where you come from. The reason: you have your traditional enemies, going back centuries.

Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 15th, 2013 at 8:49am:
The Union Jack doesn't identify anyone these days. Through mass and indiscriminate immigration over the past 40 years into the UK, the Union Jack represents absolutely no one ~ and everyone.

Mnemonic wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 1:55pm:
It may not identity your ethnicity, but surely it does identify your nationality, does it not? Cool

Good lord, no.

Each summer when India and Pakistan's national cricket teams arrive in the UK to play the 'British' ~ they are swamped by hysterical crowds of fifth generation immigrant Indians and Pakistanis carrying them triumphantly on their shoulders in various parts of England.

Same when the West Indian cricketing team arrives. People born in Britain in the 1950's greet them as visiting heroes, and barrack for them all the way through the summer months.

If a war came, half of Britain's population would have to be shipped off to the Canadian wilderness for internment until the cessation of hostilities.

Mnemonic wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 1:55pm:
Seven years in China hey? You must have learn to speak Mandarin in that time. Cheesy

Ah-HUH! Now I know where you come from, Grasshopper!

Anybody else would have assumed I had lived in Hong Kong, and had learned to speak a little Cantonese. But you nominated north China ~ an odd choice for a Gweilo to have spent as a child.

I lived in both Shanghai and Hong Kong, but as for more information... well, first you have to snatch these 5 fresh testicles from my hand, Grasshopper...

(Sorry, I'm reading a book about Hannibal Lecter at the moment, and ... )  Cool

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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #121 - Aug 16th, 2013 at 4:46pm
Torpedo wrote on Aug 15th, 2013 at 2:22pm:
I had to live in a severe circumstances, and I lost my father when I was 18, I had nobody to give me neither money, nor shelter, .............................................
I used to cry myself to sleep, and the next morning I would go to work and put up with difficult customers, arrogant boss, and often without a break or lunch
The light will not come to you, you need to find a way to the light

I'm sorry to hear that. By "no shelter" I take it you were homeless? I assume that your mother wasn't there to help or she was evicted as well after your dad died. It must have been a long journey getting back above the poverty line.

Torpedo wrote on Aug 15th, 2013 at 2:22pm:
so I know how these people feel, but sitting down isn't going to improve their lives.

Oh I wasn't talking about you, but about imagining what's happening to these people and no it wasn't about how they "feel." I was saying that if people stay at home and don't go out looking for a job, there's something wrong with them. People who have depression or mental illness aren't "down" on themselves. They lack motivation and direction, they're confused and don't know what to do with their lives. They're not sad. It's not an emotion. Something has happened to them that affects their brain. Cutting their welfare wouldn't make them suddenly jump up and start doing something. I know because I have met some of these people. They're like the living dead.

Torpedo wrote on Aug 15th, 2013 at 2:22pm:
P.S. There was not a person in the past to wipe my tears and give me some dole money.  On the other hand I saw those who had it all: moms and dads, comfy place to live, a car to drive around, and yet they lived on the dole which I, and many other people like me, supported for them.

I can see now what makes you dislike the dole system so much. But surely, if you were able to benefit from that system, wouldn't you be grateful? You wouldn't have had to lose so many years of your life trying to get back up. The dole system is there to prevent you from ending up in that situation, but there is certainly going to be people slipping through the cracks.

Unfortunately, CentreLink can't help you if you don't have a home address or bank account. I would think they would have programs now where, if you're homeless, they will find you a place to live and help you sign up for a bank account so you won't have to live out there in the streets. Yeah, they're giving you something for nothing. It must be embarrassing to ask, but it's because there are so many people living so much more comfortably than you. It's why we call ourselves a "developed country." You were below the poverty line and the dole brings you back up to the "bottom" of our society.

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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #122 - Aug 16th, 2013 at 5:35pm
Torpedo wrote on Aug 15th, 2013 at 2:22pm:
And guess what, these are the people who won't help anyone, not then, not now, when they are successfull and wealthy.
These people are not rich. These are just rodents in our society. And there is plenty of them, it's just our genius governments aren't looking deep enough.

I can see how your experience shapes your views. Maybe I could share my own and tell you how I got my views.

I had a midlife crisis at around the same time that the 2008 global financial crisis hit. What I saw around me was a competition between people on how much wealth they could accumulate. If you've read about the story of the sub-prime mortgage crisis in America, you'd know what I mean. Some people were buying maybe 3 or 4 houses and getting home loans and mortgages for them, even though some of them didn't have a job. You'd think the Americans had gone mad.

These people were borrowing huge amounts of money and overspending, pretending they were rich when they weren't. They didn't want their friends to think less of them. Eventually after accumulating huge mountains of debt, the economy collapsed because the banks weren't making any money from all this debt. People weren't paying them back. It wasn't just the USA, however. Europe was doing it too. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened here.

Ok, I mentioned debt, but that wasn't what I thought was the main problem. For me the problem was people overspending. The more you want, the bigger the lifestyle, the more you spend. It wasn't just a case of people living beyond their means. They just wanted too much.

At the time this was going on and I was having my "midlife crisis," I had been having a "competition" and "rivalry" with my high school "friend." We eventually stopped being friends as a result. I got sick of the competition, of working so hard and comparing myself with another person and that's what caused my "midlife crisis." My academic performance had fallen to a low. When Lehman Brother's collapsed and the financial crisis hit, there seemed to be a similarity. The USA and Europe seemed like they had driven themselves to exhaustion, just hoping to beat the competition, just like me with my studies. I had no energy left, just like the USA and Europe.

Getting to the 98th percentile in high school didn't matter anymore. I was just a bum like everyone else. I was a failure and I felt humiliated. I started dissociating myself from my "yuppie" high school peers and people who didn't have a university degree. I got my degree and finished my course, but the marks at the end weren't good and I pretended it wasn't worth anything anymore.

I felt like I was sinking into the deepest "hell," I would ever know. But I knew that if there was hell on earth, there was always something deeper, always someone less fortunate than myself. Well, of course there was ............. we all know that ............. but if I truly loved myself, truly cared about myself, I would care about these people too. Every time I saw them, I was looking in the mirror.

I got on a bus one day and two teenagers came up to me telling me they were homeless and asked for money. I handed it over. It was my first experience of how life must have been like for homeless people. Some 30 minutes later, the two boys needed to get off and the door didn't open properly. One of the boys got angry and kicked the door. He got into an altercation the bus driver and hit the bus from the outside. It wasn't casual swearing, the boy who kicked the door and hit the bus was obviously in distress and quite emotional. He was really angry. The other boy kept apologising for him.

In the months that followed, I got more requests for money from people on public transport, and it seemed like they weren't asking anyone else first. It seemed like a coincidence. How would they know I was going to say yes? If there was a God and he knew what I was thinking and knew I had had a midlife crisis and getting in touch with my "inner hell," it probably wasn't a coincidence.

I did meet another angry homeless person recently in the city's CBD. He got angry because my friend told me not to give him money and it started a fight. When my friend and I talked about it afterwards, he had a similar view to what you have. There are some differences, though: he was never homeless, but he isn't keen on the idea of people getting money for free.

I think that will be all for now ..... There was a bit more that I wanted to say, but I need to go somewhere.
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #123 - Aug 16th, 2013 at 7:32pm
Mnemonic wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 5:35pm:
I can see how your experience shapes your views. Maybe I could share my own and tell you how I got my views.

And so, based on your story, it's now ok to disadvantage someone like me?
It doesn't make sense with regards to your opinion on Private schools.
Just answer one question: how many middle class family (such as me) would be able to afford to teach their kids at cheapest private schools, if Gonski reform proceeded?
Your opinions are very selfish.
Oh and your: that a smart kid would do well in any circumstances is utter and sheer absurd.
Remember "My fair Lady?". Can you believe tha such a sophisticated and upper class lady was ever a wench?
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #124 - Aug 16th, 2013 at 7:37pm
Mnemonic wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 4:46pm:
I'm sorry to hear that. By "no shelter" I take it you were homeless? I assume that your mother wasn't there to help or she was evicted as well after your dad died. It must have been a long journey getting back above the poverty line.

no, it's just your assumption. I was not homeless, I worked for my "shelter", but only if you could call it that and old stinky couch was my bed for number of years. All at my expense.
Many people go through it for a while, it's ok.
Some people also don't have family, it's also ok, I am not whining, just frustrated how so many swindlers get what they don't really need.
And no, I am not against dole, just against corruption
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If GST rises by 5%, then your income must also rise by 5%. Which means you will either become unemployed or underpaid. Choose wisely
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #125 - Aug 17th, 2013 at 1:54am
Torpedo wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 7:32pm:
And so, based on your story, it's now ok to disadvantage someone like me?

We discussed your situation several months ago. You explained your case. I accepted it. The discussion then came to an end. I assumed we had moved on. I suppose giving my story changes things. If there is a new dispute you have with me, fine, so be it. Let me just say, my objection to private schooling was always in response to someone having an income of $200k complaining about "doing it tough" because amongst other things, they sent their kids to private school. For low-income people like yourself, I have no dispute. Do you want a dispute with someone who has no dispute with you?

Torpedo wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 7:32pm:
It doesn't make sense with regards to your opinion on Private schools.

Let me know what doesn't make sense.

Torpedo wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 7:32pm:
Just answer one question: how many middle class family (such as me) would be able to afford to teach their kids at cheapest private schools, if Gonski reform proceeded?

From what I've heard, Gonski will provide equal funding to every single child, public or private. On that statement alone, Gonski sounds fair. That's one of the things about Gonksi that I can remember off the top of my head. If I am wrong, correct me.

I am just a little puzzled as to why you brought that up because I never expressed any wholehearted support of Gonski. I got involved in discussions about public and private schooling, but it was never about Gonski.

Torpedo wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 7:32pm:
Your opinions are very selfish.

If basing my views on my personal experience is "very selfish," then I concede, yes it is very selfish. I am not, however, the only person expressing their views in these forums, so you have a whole crowd of very selfish people here expressing their views. I am just as human as everyone else and I don't see how I am any different from anyone else.

The main reason why I told you my story was because you told me your's. I was just returning the favour. I learn something about you, you learn something about me. If you don't like my views, that's fair enough, but maybe you're better off knowing about them. For me personally, it's always good to know what someone else is thinking.

Torpedo wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 7:32pm:
Oh and your: that a smart kid would do well in any circumstances is utter and sheer absurd.

Let's put this in context. This was in response to someone saying several months ago, "I'm better than you because I go to private school." This triggered a number of discussions, which gets us to where we are now. I am sorry I got you involved in this. This isn't about you and your kids.

Torpedo wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 7:32pm:
Remember "My fair Lady?". Can you believe tha such a sophisticated and upper class lady was ever a wench?

Are you talking about the film? Are you therefore talking about "rags to riches?"

If so, my dispute with private schooling was about something totally different. It was about high-income families complaining about "doing it tough." That isn't exactly "rags to riches." These people are already quite wealthy. They don't need to make any big sacrifices. They have more resources than you do and more options.
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #126 - Aug 17th, 2013 at 1:55am
Torpedo wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 7:37pm:
it's also ok, I am not whining, just frustrated how so many swindlers get what they don't really need.

Me too.
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #127 - Aug 17th, 2013 at 6:27am
Lisa Jones wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 2:49pm:
If you truly WANT a job.. you will get one. Fact!

400k ppl wont. . .

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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #128 - Aug 17th, 2013 at 7:38am
Lisa Jones wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 1:59pm:
warrigal wrote on Aug 16th, 2013 at 7:01am:
Lisa Jones wrote on Aug 15th, 2013 at 5:33pm:
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 11th, 2013 at 3:46pm:

It is pretty straight forward. If you take more than you give, you are a welfare bludger.

BTW, most middle class pay a sh1t load in tax, a lot more than any 'wealthfare' they may receive.

I thought the above was bleeding obvious. Seems not.

I can't see how a measly $500 per fortnight from the government, is taking more than anyones value in society. considering the things I have done though my life.

You should stop whinging and use that energy in trying to get ANY job instead. You may not be aware of this .. but the dole is intended and has always been intended, to function as a stop gap measure only.

well lisa if it is a stop gap measure it should stop and employment should be provide to the unemployed person. they have served their time unemployed, now its time for a job. after all what is a unemployed person. A unemployed person is a trained and skilled worker not let work by a society that doesn't care about its people.

the fight for our rights continues.

the point lisa is there are jobs out there, there are employers screaming for workers in all industrys, why do we have unemployment.

because the jobs aren't being made available to the unemployed job seekers, and the unemployed job seekers are not being considered for them.
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« Last Edit: Aug 17th, 2013 at 7:45am by warrigal »  

If you can create a big enough lie about someone IGNORANT people will bellieve it.

The bigger the Arshole you are on this forum, the more right you have to stay.
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #129 - Aug 17th, 2013 at 9:53am
warrigal wrote on Aug 17th, 2013 at 7:38am:
because the jobs aren't being made available to the unemployed job seekers, and the unemployed job seekers are not being considered for them.

...because the unemployed people like you wont get off your arse and take one.
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #130 - Aug 17th, 2013 at 7:31pm
Mnemonic wrote on Aug 17th, 2013 at 1:54am:
From what I've heard, Gonski will provide equal funding to every single child, public or private. On that statement alone, Gonski sounds fair. That's one of the things about Gonksi that I can remember off the top of my head. If I am wrong, correct me.

I am just a little puzzled as to why you brought that up because I never expressed any wholehearted support of Gonski. I got involved in discussions about public and private schooling, but it was never about Gonski.

Let's put this in context. This was in response to someone saying several months ago, "I'm better than you because I go to private school." This triggered a number of discussions, which gets us to where we are now. I am sorry I got you involved in this. This isn't about you and your kids. dispute with private schooling was about something totally different. It was about high-income families complaining about "doing it tough." That isn't exactly "rags to riches." These people are already quite wealthy. They don't need to make any big sacrifices. They have more resources than you do and more options.

No no, it was about abolishing support for private schooling altogether, not just about the "rich", as much as I remember. And just because the conversation ended, doesn't mean I agreed.
I clearly remember your views on it - ban it, and give it to public schools, and if anyone chooses private it's their problem.
You also emphatically inculcated where I should be better off, such is being better off at public school.
But I may have mixed things up, who knows
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If GST rises by 5%, then your income must also rise by 5%. Which means you will either become unemployed or underpaid. Choose wisely
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #131 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 12:25pm
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 11th, 2013 at 1:50pm:
Who are the real bludgers?      Sad

People, who for year after year, take more than they contribute; always have been always will be.

That is weapons-grade bulldust. This definition applies to an old-age pensioner; does this mean they are bludgers?

Someone who is bludging off the system would be someone who can work but is making no effort to find work. There's less people who fall into that category than you may think.

Some people do game the welfare system, in much the same way that some people game the tax system or other systems, both public and private. But most are not.

Yet it is wrong - even defamatory - to label all people as "bludgers" who are long-term unemployed. It also contributes to the problem of long-term unemployment by making it harder for the long-term unemployed to find work, as employers who believe the bludger myth are less likely to give a badly-needed break to someone who is long-term unemployed.

Many unemployed people are making a genuine effort to find work but have not landed that elusive job. Some people apply for hundreds of jobs before landing one. Not everyone is able to brown-tongue their way around the ol'-boy network whenever they need to find a job.

Convincing a perfect stranger to hire you when you're out of work is one of the labours of Hercules. For anyone that's been out of work for a year or more, that inconvenient gap in the employment history of the résumé is a death sentence for many jobs. Most employers consider that gap a sufficient reason to place that résumé in the "rejected" pile. It is said that it is much easier to get a job if you already have a job; the corollary of that is: it is much harder to get a job if you don't have one.

For employers, if someone who is long-term unemployed applies for a job with your company, assume that they want to work for you. Don't reject them just because they've got a gap in their work history. Some of the best employees you will ever have are those who will value the job more. So take the time to interview at least one long-term unemployed person for every advertised position. You will find that many are not bludgers but have just fallen on difficult times.
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #132 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 3:58pm
One of the best posts I've seen so far on this subject.
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #133 - Aug 23rd, 2013 at 3:33pm

A businesswoman has criticised ‘useless’ JobCentre staff who directed 100 applicants to her – but none was interested in a job.

Jean Rasbridge said the service was ‘wasting everyone’s time’ after candidates either failed to show up for interviews or even start a job once they were hired.

She claims the Government-run centres were simply helping the unemployed to ‘tick boxes’ so they could keep their benefits.

Mrs Rasbridge, who co-founded a firm that sells electronic cigarettes, was initially pleased to receive almost 100 applications for an £8-per-hour post as a warehouse packer.

But of the seven jobseekers Mrs Rasbridge invited for an interview, only two showed up.

And even the one candidate who was offered the position failed to turn up. Last night she said her firm had stopped using the JobCentre to find staff after their ‘nightmare’ experience.

She's Mad as Hell and she's not going to take it any more ...

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #134 - Aug 23rd, 2013 at 4:05pm
Thats not even australian

Thing is there could be other reasons - pplmay know about her firm and know better than to go there or maybe they got other jobs or maybe its the jobseek place sending the wrong ppl. Who knows. Who cares. Its not australia.


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