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Who Are The Real Bludgers. (Read 14059 times)
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #60 - Aug 13th, 2013 at 9:09pm
What did you mean by "objective"?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #61 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 12:40am
Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 13th, 2013 at 9:08pm:
Nope. It's all about maintaining a basic living standard despite not receiving an income from a job. Period.

So what's the problem then?

Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 13th, 2013 at 9:08pm:
Wrong. The higher taxes for the rich (49% in some cases) are redistributed by the government through Centrelink to finance welfare payments for the lower socio-economic groups.

Higher taxes for higher incomes is a way to reshape the exponential relationship between income and effort/value back into a linear one. Relative inequalities remain.

5.5% unemployed people out of a population of 23 million receiving Newstart allowance at $500 per fortnight works out to be $16.5 billion per year. GDP is about $1.372 trillion, so CentreLink payments are only 1% of GDP. That isn't much.

People who have a job are still better off than people without one. Where's the wealth redistribution? If a system preserves relative inequalities, there is no wealth redistribution.

Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 13th, 2013 at 9:08pm:
Wow. You're a full-blown communist aren't you? What you're advocating here is exactly, and precisely, and ideologically what communism was saying when it first started in Russia.

How is it communism? You started talking about businesses going broke. You either help businesses or you help people get rich. I am surprised at your response. Initially you tell me I'm socialist for saying that social security is a good thing (helping the people). Now you tell me I'm "communist" for coming up with a scheme that would help businesses. I thought being pro-business was the opposite of communist. Where did I go wrong?

Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 13th, 2013 at 9:08pm:
And it was precisely because no private person was allowed to get rich, that the entire country lived in dire poverty until communism was finally ditched.

Huge numbers of people were already poor in Russia. The communists simply failed to change that. That was the legacy of serfdom and feudalism, which the Russians hoped to change through revolution.

Most people had less than what they needed in Russia. They were below the poverty line. That is in huge contrast to what we have here in Australia, where most people already have what they need, but they don't have what they want. Most Australians are above the poverty line. Your analogy doesn't fit.

In Russia, under the Soviets there were no markets. It was a planned economy. There's a huge difference.

Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 13th, 2013 at 9:08pm:
During the entire Industrial revolution in the UK, the poor buggers who worked in the factories and in the mines had to buy all of their needs from shops run by the companies they worked for.

Result: Their wages were ripped right back off the employees at the company shops ~ leaving them with little more than slave wages for a beer or two on a night off.

How is slave labour communism?

These people weren't saved by capitalism. They were saved by the unions. Workers got together and refused to work. They forced employers to pay them more by striking. Collective action drove wages up. You're blaming communism for poverty in countries where communism never existed. Communism never took hold in the UK. I don't know why you'd be talking about the UK if you wanted to talk about communism. Maybe the USSR but not the UK.

When we buy cheap products made in sweat shops in China, is that communism? I thought it was free trade and globalisation (ie. market-driven capitalism). Cheesy

Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 13th, 2013 at 9:08pm:
That's Economic Marxism. State-controlled businesses allowed to generate capital for the State coffers ...

I didn't say anything about state-controlled businesses. Businesses are still part of the market. There is no planned economy. Capital doesn't flow to the government (ie. state coffers), but back to the businesses. A portion of income tax will be redirected back to businesses if they invest it in something useful (like giving subsidies or tax cuts).

Under the current system, if an employee receives $100k from company X in gross income, income tax takes away $47k and the employee only gets $53k. The $47k goes to the government and never comes back except through indirect means like tax cuts and subsidies.

What I was suggesting was a "conditional income tax." Instead of the whole $47k going to the government, company X can recover some of that income tax by making some approved investments, like R&D and the purchase of capital goods. The result is that company X loses less of its money and has more opportunities for investment and expansion. The government, on the other hand, loses some potential revenue. The general population in the meantime, is no worse off than before.

Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 13th, 2013 at 9:08pm:
... while the peasants remain on subsistence wages.

Well, like I said, most Australians are above the poverty line. There aren't going to be any peasants here. Higher income taxes on higher income earners and lower or zero income tax on low income earners isn't going to create poverty if most people are already above the poverty line.

We live in a developed country. Life here is much better than in Calcutta or Somalia, but we don't need to live like kings.
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #62 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 8:16am
You keep talking about 'inequalities' as though there's something 'unfair' and unethical about a government that allows for these 'inequalities' of wealth among people.

With this you're hinting at being a communist again.

I personally am totally supportive of people who study their arse off at university in order to gain a degree in a well-paid profession.

I'm totally supportive of parents who manage their finances properly so their kids can get a better education at a private school.

If the result at age 26 or so means the sons and daughters of the parents who made sacrifices are ontrack for a better paid career than the sons and daughters of parents who smoked and drank, and whose home culture was all about 'Footy' ~  then nobody should be crying 'FOUL!' because of this ... 'inequality.

My aunt and her parents were given 10 minutes to gather up all that they could from their farm house, before then being pushed out onto a dirt road by men on horses.

The communists didn't think it was 'fair' or 'equitable' that they owned a small subsistence farm while others were only farm labourers.

Socialism is all about petulance and jealousy towards others having improved their circumstances a little better than the lazy ones.   

Mnemonic ~ I want to see a marked improvement in your attitude. I can see you've been heavily influenced by leftwing ideologies that believe in 'equal outcomes' for all - no matter if the efforts from each has been vastly different.
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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2013 at 8:33am by Lord Herbert »  
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #63 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 12:42pm
Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 8:16am:
You keep talking about 'inequalities' as though there's something 'unfair' and unethical about a government that allows for these 'inequalities' of wealth among people.

I don't know where I said "inequalities" were "unfair" and "unethical." I said that the system preserves relative inequalities and was therefore not a redistribution of wealth. People with higher gross incomes still end up with higher net incomes. They retain their advantage. It makes me wonder if you actually read my whole post because you seem to be putting words in my mouth. I said nothing of the sort. I think you're arguing against a straw man here.

Wealth accumulation makes an economy inefficient. That's what I did say.

I said it was good for everyone to get social security (even the rich), because I know how stingy some rich people can be. They don't like the idea of the poor catching up to them. They don't like paying taxes. They don't like people getting something for free. Like I said, it preserves relative inequalities. It preserves their advantage. I said that as a response both to their stinginess, as well as a response to you labeling me a "communist." I hope that clarifies things.

I'm not the least bit interested in the inequalities. What I am interested in is efficiency. If people want to become rich and always want the most pay, they become more expensive as workers and employees. It's the reason why Australia can't compete with developing countries on labour costs and with manufacturing. If everyone got a pay cut, we could start competing again. We are a high-cost economy.

Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 8:16am:
I personally am totally supportive of people who study their arse off at university in order to gain a degree in a well-paid profession.

I'm totally supportive of parents who manage their finances properly so their kids can get a better education at a private school.

If the result at age 26 or so means the sons and daughters of the parents who made sacrifices are ontrack for a better paid career than the sons and daughters of parents who smoked and drank then nobody should be crying 'FOUL!' because of this ... 'inequality.

Me too -- except maybe for the private school part. If your kids are smart and they are willing to work hard, going to a good public school is just as good. I don't support the classism often associated with private education. If you don't send them to a private school, you save money.

Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 8:16am:
Socialism is all about petulance and jealousy towards others having improved their circumstances a little better than the lazy ones.

I disagree. That's what I used to think, but then I learnt that I was just ignorant about what socialism actually was. I was fed the propaganda that socialism, a close relative of communism, was about people being paid the same and that it was about a society that didn't reward effort with incentives. What happened in the Soviet Union was definitely communism, but it wasn't socialism.

I found an article on the life of Karl Marx somewhere, but can't remember where. Maybe it was in a magazine while I was visiting my doctor. I read about his disgust with the "bourgeoisie" and the accumulation of wealth and private property. At the time, it didn't really register. I just put it aside and thought, yeah I still think socialism is bad. The anti-socialist propaganda persisted in me. I continued to believe what most people thought on this side of the former Cold War factions (the U.S. side).

Then the 2008 financial crisis struck. Too many Americans were getting home loans and mortgages, even people who were unemployed. Too many people wanted to be rich. They got into debt thinking they could get through it all and everything would be ok. They did it because everyone else was doing it. Their friends were doing it. Their family was doing it. It was a culture of "keeping up with the Jones's."

When everyone is trying to be rich, they drag the economy down with them. Karl Marx had a point.

Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 8:16am:
Mnemonic ~ I want to see a marked improvement in your attitude. I can see you've been heavily influenced by leftwing ideologies that believe in 'equal outcomes' for all - no matter if the efforts from each has been vastly different.

Again, I think you're arguing against a straw man here. I don't know where I talked about "equal outcomes for all." What I did say was that income tax changes an exponentially increasing curve in the relationship between "income" and "effort/value" back into a linear one. You do know what I mean by exponential and linear relationships don't you? A linear relationship implies proportional, not equal outcomes. Remember the maths you learnt in high school and university?

Linear: y = mx + c                 >> a straight line increasing at a constant rate
Exponential: y = e^x + c       >> a curve that increases faster and faster as x increases

If I was talking about equal outcomes then it would be a linear equation where m = 0: a constant relationship, but I am talking about a case where m > 0: a proportional relationship.
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #64 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 1:29pm
Mnemonic wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 12:42pm:
Me too -- except maybe for the private school part. If your kids are smart and they are willing to work hard, going to a good public school is just as good. I don't support the classism often associated with private education. If you don't send them to a private school, you save money.

I am sorry, and who are you to decide what would be better or not for a particular child?
You assumption that all children are the same and hence should all be ok in a public school is at least exaggerated, and I agree with Herbert, smells of communism. I actually don't know whether that should be referred to as communism or totalitarianism/authoritarianism.
You can't possibly throw everyone in the one plate, you won't get great results.
I thought a bit better of you, actually
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If GST rises by 5%, then your income must also rise by 5%. Which means you will either become unemployed or underpaid. Choose wisely
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #65 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 2:26pm
Mnemonic wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 12:42pm:
Wealth accumulation makes an economy inefficient. That's what I did say.

Unfortunately you did say that.

The 'wealth accumulation' of private individuals and privately owned industries has allowed the West to leave all the others far behind.

Rich people develop new industries which employ thousands of people who don't risk their savings on risky investments such as the rich are willing to do.

The rich are constantly risking their fortunes on property development, niche opportunity investments, venture capital investments, etc etc.

How many times have I heard a boss say "I wish I could work the same hours as you blokes do".

Without these risk-takers this would be a Third World Country.

By removing the motivation and the means for creating personal wealth ~ you soon reduce a nation's economy to a subsistence level.

My friend did a tour of Russia while it was still communist. At around 11.30am the group was shown through a huge factory where it was noticed that the workers were all smoking or eating while sitting next to their machines.

To cut to the chase ~ it wasn't a meal break of any sort. They had finished their Moscow-planned quota for the day. 

Mnemonic wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 12:42pm:
I don't support the classism often associated with private education.

Your mask has slipped again.

Here again we see you in the role of petulant leftwinger who is aggrieved that others might be stealing a march on the working classes because they've made personal sacrifices and efforts to rise above the mob.

Leftwingers such as yourself become peeved when others pull ahead of the hoi polloi through sheer hard work, self-discipline, and personal sacrifice.

A private education offers a much more broad and wide-ranging learning experience for the student. It's the extras and the add-ons that hone young intellects and characters to a fine edge that public schools have neither the funds nor the teaching talent to offer.

Get rid of that chip on your shoulder, Mn!  

Stop the 'Tall Poppy' whinging!

If people appear to be of a better class than you ~ then SUCK IT UP, dude! At least you'll never be out of a job for as long as you can polish their boots and chauffeur them around town.

Sheesh. Some people.

I'm hoping Lady Mantra here will eventually give me a chauffeuring job as in 'Driving Miss Daisy'.  Cool

(Yes, I'll wear 'black-face' if that's what she insists upon... )
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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2013 at 3:45pm by Lord Herbert »  
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #66 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 2:38pm
Sure, there's a place and demand for private education,  but it shouldn't receive any government funding apart from perhaps start up assistance.
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"You're just one lucky motherf-cker" - Someone, 5th February 2013

Num num num num.
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #67 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 2:54pm
Torpedo wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 1:29pm:
I am sorry, and who are you to decide what would be better or not for a particular child?

You assumption that all children are the same and hence should all be ok in a public school is at least exaggerated.

I never actually said that. I said I was against classism. That isn't the same as saying "all children are the same." I said that if your child was smart, they didn't need a private school education. People aren't smarter because they get a private school education. If they're smart, they don't need one. Private schools are for people who want or need extra help. It's a brute force approach to education.

I said absolutely nothing about everyone being the same. Where did that come from? Quote me if I did.

Torpedo wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 1:29pm:
I actually don't know whether that should be referred to as communism

Never mind. If you don't have the time to read history books, that's ok. It's a busy world.

Torpedo wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 1:29pm:
or totalitarianism/authoritarianism.

How was anything I said totalitarianism and authoritarianism? I never said anything about people being forced to do anything.

Torpedo wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 1:29pm:
You can't possibly throw everyone in the one plate, you won't get great results.

I didn't do anything of the sort.

Torpedo wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 1:29pm:
I thought a bit better of you, actually

Once again, people are putting words into my mouth.
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #68 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 3:03pm
Life_goes_on wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 2:38pm:
Sure, there's a place and demand for private education,  but it shouldn't receive any government funding apart from perhaps start up assistance.

start up assistance? I don't think private schools are getting any more than public schools do, but the reality is, some parents want to save on education, some don't, those who want to bring our society's IQ levels should be praised, not punished, those of them who want to save, well, it's their choice.
I.e.: there is public school getting 30% government support, and there is private school equally getting 30%. Removing the 30% from private isn't going to improve public, IT WON'T!!! but it will diminish the demand in private, reducing jobs, making it harder for parents, and throwing good kids into zoo!!! what's so hard to understand, how is it going to help public education, or our society?
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If GST rises by 5%, then your income must also rise by 5%. Which means you will either become unemployed or underpaid. Choose wisely
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #69 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 3:05pm
Mnemonic wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 2:54pm:
II said that if your child was smart, they didn't need a private school education. People aren't smarter because they get a private school education.

you know, there is a strong theory, that if Einstein's parents didn't push hard enough for his education, he wouldn't become what he became
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If GST rises by 5%, then your income must also rise by 5%. Which means you will either become unemployed or underpaid. Choose wisely
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #70 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 3:10pm
And then again, I knew a boy in our school who was clearly talented in many areas, but was so browbeaten by the bullies, that he just became apathetic towards any progress. You never know, he could have become great chemist who'd find the solution for cancer or aids.
But, alas, his parents didn't care
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If GST rises by 5%, then your income must also rise by 5%. Which means you will either become unemployed or underpaid. Choose wisely
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #71 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 3:30pm
Life_goes_on wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 2:38pm:
Sure, there's a place and demand for private education,  but it shouldn't receive any government funding apart from perhaps start up assistance.

Moot point.

Some will say 'Yay' and some will say 'Nay'.

I don't like religious schools getting any funding from the taxpayers ~ especially Islamic schools where kids born in Australia are carefully tutored in the cultural traditions and heritage of the Middle Eastern character and identity.   

To support such a non-assimilist and alienating program for Australian-born children under the aegis of an 'Islamic education' would seem to me to be utterly self-defeating from the point of view of wanting our own culture and our own heritage to be securely guaranteed for the foreseeable future.

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Lord Herbert
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #72 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 3:39pm
Torpedo wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 1:29pm:
I thought a bit better of you, actually

Me too.

I was building this great big statue in my mind of Mnemonic, when it all started to crumble and break up as I began to realise he wants us all to wear a one-size-fits-all gray shapeless smock, not too unlike a burqa.

This way there's NO evidence of classism on display, and the Filthy Rich look just as impoverished as the ... er ... impoverishd.

He's SUCH a disappointment to us, Torpedo. Perhaps even to his parents? His dog? Cat?  Cool

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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #73 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 3:47pm
Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 8:16am:
You keep talking about 'inequalities' as though there's something 'unfair' and unethical about a government that allows for these 'inequalities' of wealth among people.

With this you're hinting at being a communist again.

I personally am totally supportive of people who study their arse off at university in order to gain a degree in a well-paid profession.

I'm totally supportive of parents who manage their finances properly so their kids can get a better education at a private school.

If the result at age 26 or so means the sons and daughters of the parents who made sacrifices are ontrack for a better paid career than the sons and daughters of parents who smoked and drank, and whose home culture was all about 'Footy' ~  then nobody should be crying 'FOUL!' because of this ... 'inequality.

My aunt and her parents were given 10 minutes to gather up all that they could from their farm house, before then being pushed out onto a dirt road by men on horses.

The communists didn't think it was 'fair' or 'equitable' that they owned a small subsistence farm while others were only farm labourers.

Socialism is all about petulance and jealousy towards others having improved their circumstances a little better than the lazy ones.

Mnemonic ~ I want to see a marked improvement in your attitude. I can see you've been heavily influenced by leftwing ideologies that believe in 'equal outcomes' for all - no matter if the efforts from each has been vastly different.

Um, it's quite apparent that you are a lazy thinker: smoke crack much mr hardcore?
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: Who Are The Real Bludgers.
Reply #74 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 3:48pm
Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 2:26pm:
The 'wealth accumulation' of private individuals and privately owned industries has allowed the West to leave all the others far behind.

Rich people develop new industries which employ thousands of people who don't risk their savings on risky investments such as the rich are willing to do.

The rich are constantly risking their fortunes on property development, niche opportunity investments, venture capital investments, etc etc.

How many times have I heard a boss say "I wish I could work the same hours as you blokes do".

Without these risk-takers this would be a Third World Country.

I didn't say I was absolutely against private property. I did say it was good for businesses to be rich. That meant accumulation of private property. Obviously for people "individually," everyone needs some privacy and peace and quiet. I think some people just go too far with their "wealth accumulation."

Wealth accumulation is fine as long as it's sustainable and achievable. As long as there is plenty of energy and resources to go around, there is room for growth. Competitive capitalism worked in the past because supply was able to keep up with demand.

That is no longer the case with 7 billion people on this planet and where there is free trade and globalisation. Economies can't keep growing. We can't keep accumulating wealth because there are too many people on this planet. If they all had to have the same lifestyle as those of us living in developed countries, it would cause a lot of pollution and environmental damage. We can't expect China to keep churning out those cheap products and blow smog into the air so that we can have comfortable lives.

Supplies of crude oil will not last forever. The world reached "peak oil" several years ago. Supply could not keep up with demand. Changing to renewable energy isn't going to help. Producing bio-diesel requires additional farmland. Solar panels only produce energy during the day. Wind power is not constant. Once our supplies of coal and crude oil run out, green energy will not sustain our civilisation at the same level.

When that happens, we are going to need to learn to share and co-operate rather than competing. It takes much more energy to compete, to out-do your competitors than to co-operate, whether it is in business or war. It's fun to compete, but one day the party is going to be over.

But getting back to the present, the problem we are having now is a manufacturing industry that can't compete against low-cost alternatives overseas. Every now and then there is talk of Indians and Chinese taking jobs because they are "cheap" and are willing to receive less pay for the same amount of work. A culture of wealth accumulation prevents people from receiving less pay for the same amount of work. This same culture prevents us from lowering the cost of our employees and workers and therefore making our industries competitive with overseas alternatives.

Whether it's about saving energy/resources to enjoy our modern civilisation for as long as possible or in the short-term to compete with other countries economically, it's the same concept. It is getting more and more counter-productive these days to get rich because of the emerging economic reality: globalisation and too many people on this planet.
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