polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 14
th, 2013 at 4:13pm:
Quantum wrote on Aug 14
th, 2013 at 1:30pm:
And your entire argument is that if someone pisses in the desert it is no longer a desert. You are trying to find the smallest exception to disqualify the norm.
Smallest exceptions are all I need to debunk the stupid claims you were making. Do I need to requote to you exactly what you said?
Quote:But plant a few trees in an area of hundreds of thousands of square km and the place is a shinning example of environment transformation.
The fact that there
are a few trees being planted is enough to debunk your original claim, and expose it as nothing but stereotyping and prejudism. Remember what you said? "Nothing" growing except trash by the side of the road?
But really, whats this argument all about? Aggressive reforestation/environmental transformation by Israel - compared to the muslim states is proof of their superiority over the muslims - right? Thats the point you are trying to make. Its a kindergarten level argument that ignores the fact that most muslim countries already have a bountiful revenue source in natural resources - especially oil. Never mind that Israel has very little of this, and therefore is forced to engage in a more rigorous "greening" program to make up for their lack of resources. Gulf states have an extremely high standard of living, and do not pay any income taxes. So I'd say their comparitive lack of environmental transformation is due to the fact that they are doing fine without it.
Quote:1300 years and this is the only evidence presented. You will have to do a lot better than that before you can claim BS on anything I've said.
If I showed you only one tree being planted by the Saudis, then that already makes your argument BS.
You are a particularly special breed of stupid aren't you. You complain about kindergarten stuff, read what you have above.
"Smallest exceptions are all I need to debunk the stupid claims you were making."Really?
* Can someone say Australia is hot? Not when you're around. It snows in Australia.
* Can someone say Australia is dry? Not when you're around. It rains in Australia.
* Can someone say Russia is cold? Not when you're around. They get hot days in Russia.
* Can someone say Siberia is full of trees? Not when you're around. There are some areas where there are no trees.
* Can we say that the Arctic is made of Ice? Not when you're around. There are some rocks up there as well.
Any more stupid examples needed? Your idea that you need just one tiny example to disqualify the norm is beyond retarded. More retarded is when you are changing the subject!
"The fact that there are a few trees being planted is enough to debunk your original claim,"
"I'd say their comparitive lack of environmental transformation is due to the fact that they are doing fine without it"
"If I showed you only one tree being planted by the Saudis, then that already makes your argument BS."Forgetting what this is about so quickly? The tree planting was supposed to be for religious reasons to be environmental. Did you forget the opening post? The original claim was that Islam says to plant trees, hence Islam is good for the environment.
* 1 Tree would not be proof of that being put into practice!
* A small park would not be proof of this being put into practice!
* Economical reasons would not excuse neglecting this command!
* The fact that there are areas that have had trees there for thousands of years does not show this being put into practice!
Do I need to make it clearer?
* True colours argument is that Islam is environmentally friendly because it plants tress.
* My argument is that you can go all over the Middle east and you won't see this tree planting happening (except in Israel)
* Your argument is that if the Saudis plant just one smacking tree then that proves True Colours claim.
You are so desperate to argue in the favour of Islam you don't even know what the bugger it is you are arguing about.