Bobby. wrote on Aug 14
th, 2013 at 3:00pm:
freediver wrote on Aug 14
th, 2013 at 2:55pm:
Obviously bobby if you don't get to dictate the key debating points there must be some conspiracy.
True FD,
still strange how both sides avoid certain topics:
Sex appeal of a candidate was all over the news -
just distractions from what we all want to know.
No one is avoiding these topics, that would take effort.
The media is more Kardashian especially about Rudd the selfie grub / razor cut tweeter
They just have no traction ...... what your missing is the millions that goes into focus groups by all parties (even unions) about what is important ..... guess what ? ...... they generally get it right.
FYI I really don't see what the issue is about saying someone has sex appeal ??
Some people do, some of my female friends are absolute stunners. When I was playing rugby I was at a pub at an after match function when one of my friends from High School walked up to me and said hello.
Just about all the guys were asking me who she was and can you give me her number.
Is it a crime to have sex appeal ?