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Forbidden topics in this election: (Read 10753 times)
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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #60 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 8:22am

(1) Negative gearing.

This is now a sacred middle class (aspirational) investment mechanism, Keating tried to fix it and rents sky rocketed

(2) GST on online sales.

The only ones complaining are our big retailers, also its only a small % of the markup that our local retailers apply .....its barely worth discussing

(3) Tax on startup company shares.

You need to be specific here, shares are not taxed only profits or earnings

(4) Policy on the 12 new proposed subs.

Given how much the first 6 clunkers cost I hope they don't go ahead

(5) F35 strike fighter purchases to go ahead?

Given how much the ALP have screwed up I doubt it will happen in my life time

None of these are significant to the average punter, if you talked about them you would hear the crickets chirping.

Try walking down the road and ask someone what they think about making ebay international purchases 10% more expensive and see what response you get.

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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #61 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 8:35am
Bobby. wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 3:00pm:
freediver wrote on Aug 14th, 2013 at 2:55pm:
Obviously bobby if you don't get to dictate the key debating points there must be some conspiracy.

True FD,
still strange how both sides avoid certain topics:

Sex appeal of a candidate was all over the news -

just distractions from what we all want to know.


No one is avoiding these topics, that would take effort.

The media is more Kardashian especially about Rudd the selfie grub / razor cut tweeter

They just have no traction ...... what your missing is the millions that goes into focus groups by all parties (even unions) about what is important ..... guess what ? ...... they generally get it right.

FYI I really don't see what the issue is about saying someone has sex appeal ??

Some people do, some of my female friends are absolute stunners. When I was playing rugby I was at a pub at an after match function when one of my friends from High School walked up to me and said hello.

Just about all the guys were asking me who she was and can you give me her number.

Is it a crime to have sex appeal ?

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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #62 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:01am
Bobby. wrote on Aug 19th, 2013 at 10:42pm:
Very funny.


(1) Negative gearing.
(2) GST on online sales.
(3) Tax on startup company shares.
(4) Policy on the 12 new proposed subs.
(5) F35 strike fighter purchases to go ahead?
(6) Which public assets to be sold off.
(7) Tax avoidance by multi-nationals like GOOGLE.
(8) Dental care for those who can't afford it.
(9) Foreign ownership of media.
(10) Foreign ownership of agricultural land
(11) US troops & bases in Australia.
(12) Taxes on superannuation of the over 60s.
(13) Abolition of middle class welfare.
(14) Foreign food labeling laws,
(15) Supermarket/petrol station chain duopolies.
(16) Electric Cars
(17) Raising the retirement age to 70 and above
(18) Turning a blind eye to the NSA snooping peoples internet activities in Australia
(19) Selling off whole suburbs to the chinese
(20) Allowing chinese to buy up property and outbid locals at auctions
(21) Business migration scams creating no jobs for the locals and adding to the black economy.

No answers were given to any of the forbidden topics
even though many were about economics.

Just as predicted - slogans.

We will never get any answers about the policies relating to the above.

Both sides are playing the small target game.
This is an abuse of democracy.
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Townsville QLD
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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #63 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:12am
Bobby. wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:01am:
We will never get any answers about the policies relating to the above.

Both sides are playing the small target game.
This is an abuse of democracy.

Have you actually contacted your local candidates and asked them to comment on these subjects or have you gone down the same path as nails and just reacted like a petulant child?

The last time I had an issue, capital gains tax on private homes over 5 acres, I contacted both parties to give me their policies on this matter. I didn't complain that it was forbidden topic, I just contatced them and friggen asked, like any adult would.  Angry

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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #64 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:16am

They are not forbidden and most don't care just about all of your points.

If the public doesn't care then you can almost guarantee a political party won't care unless there is something in it for them.

What do you suggest ?

We reprogram everyone ?

Even for me most of them are complete non-issues not worth discussing and the vast majority of people I know are far less interested then I am in politics.

The ALP can't play big politics as its the main reason they are in deep trouble, while Abbott has been far more strategic while the ALP self imploded. The reason the political debate is rock bottom is the fault of the ALP. Gillard ran a very negative agenda attacking everyone and every group she could identify. All Abbott had to do is sit back and occasionally lay the boot in.

In fact the topics of interest right now are mostly about fixing the mess the ALP created.

Maybe much of what you pointed out may be relevant once we get a stable government with a strong purpose we can start looking into these issues and others, say like real tax reform ...... or the tax welfare mix.

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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #65 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:18am
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:12am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:01am:
We will never get any answers about the policies relating to the above.

Both sides are playing the small target game.
This is an abuse of democracy.

Have you actually contacted your local candidates and asked them to comment on these subjects or have you gone down the same path as nails and just reacted like a petulant child?

The last time I had an issue, capital gains tax on private homes over 5 acres, I contacted both parties to give me their policies on this matter. I didn't complain that it was forbidden topic, I just contatced them and friggen asked, like any adult would.  Angry

As an example:
(3) Tax on startup company shares.

That was in the news for one day but then got lost.

see the thread here:

In the eyes of the tax man, your income is $150,000, even though you only earned a $50,000 salary.

After the tax office has taken its share of $43,447, you are left with just $6,553.
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Townsville QLD
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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #66 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:24am
Bobby. wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:18am:
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:12am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:01am:
We will never get any answers about the policies relating to the above.

Both sides are playing the small target game.
This is an abuse of democracy.

Have you actually contacted your local candidates and asked them to comment on these subjects or have you gone down the same path as nails and just reacted like a petulant child?

The last time I had an issue, capital gains tax on private homes over 5 acres, I contacted both parties to give me their policies on this matter. I didn't complain that it was forbidden topic, I just contatced them and friggen asked, like any adult would.  Angry

As an example:
(3) Tax on startup company shares.

That was in the news for one day but then got lost.

see the thread here:

In the eyes of the tax man, your income is $150,000, even though you only earned a $50,000 salary.

After the tax office has taken its share of $43,447, you are left with just $6,553.

But did YOU contact your local candidates and demand they answer your questions about thier policies?

If you didn't then you are just full of sh1t like your mate, nails.

Nothing is forbidden, if you haven't bothered to even ask the fvcken question.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #67 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:25am
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:12am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:01am:
We will never get any answers about the policies relating to the above.

Both sides are playing the small target game.
This is an abuse of democracy.

Have you actually contacted your local candidates and asked them to comment on these subjects or have you gone down the same path as nails and just reacted like a petulant child?

The last time I had an issue, capital gains tax on private homes over 5 acres, I contacted both parties to give me their policies on this matter. I didn't complain that it was forbidden topic, I just contatced them and friggen asked, like any adult would.  Angry


I occasionally have contacted my local state member for various things and they provide adequate answers.

The problem in politics is that for an issue to get traction you do need to often push it.

Also bobbythebat1 is just listing topics that bobbythebat1 wants discussed, I can not even see what issues are associated with many of them ?

Defence spending is down ???? so what ?
They want to waste more money on Subs ? So what ?
Negative gearing and ????

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Australian Politics

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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #68 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:33am
RightSadFred wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:25am:
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:12am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:01am:
We will never get any answers about the policies relating to the above.

Both sides are playing the small target game.
This is an abuse of democracy.

Have you actually contacted your local candidates and asked them to comment on these subjects or have you gone down the same path as nails and just reacted like a petulant child?

The last time I had an issue, capital gains tax on private homes over 5 acres, I contacted both parties to give me their policies on this matter. I didn't complain that it was forbidden topic, I just contatced them and friggen asked, like any adult would.  Angry


I occasionally have contacted my local state member for various things and they provide adequate answers.

The problem in politics is that for an issue to get traction you do need to often push it.

Also bobbythebat1 is just listing topics that bobbythebat1 wants discussed, I can not even see what issues are associated with many of them ?

Defence spending is down ???? so what ?
They want to waste more money on Subs ? So what ?
Negative gearing and ????

I have allowed other's to add their questions.

Military spending will be huge if we go ahead with the 12 new subs & the over 100 JSFs  F35s.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #69 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:46am

If your listing them you must want them discussed.

Don't get me wrong, I would like to see more detailed discussed on many topics.

On insiders they discussed this issue and with the modern media we are getting more intense low volume snippets on every topic. In the past discussions were far more detailed and longer ......... these days all you get in the media is just snippets or sound bites. Insiders is about the only show that tries to detail topics but is suffering the left disease more so these days.

Its kind of counter intuitive. 30 years ago there was far less news coverage but of better quality...... these days you barely see an MP discuss a topic in detail, mostly is some MP putting on a safety vest/helmet and pretending to dig a whole with a quick sound grab.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #70 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 10:00am
RightSadFred wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 9:46am:

If your listing them you must want them discussed.

Don't get me wrong, I would like to see more detailed discussed on many topics.

On insiders they discussed this issue and with the modern media we are getting more intense low volume snippets on every topic. In the past discussions were far more detailed and longer ......... these days all you get in the media is just snippets or sound bites. Insiders is about the only show that tries to detail topics but is suffering the left disease more so these days.

Its kind of counter intuitive. 30 years ago there was far less news coverage but of better quality...... these days you barely see an MP discuss a topic in detail, mostly is some MP putting on a safety vest/helmet and pretending to dig a hole with a quick sound grab.

The coverage is for pin heads.

Please add any questions you may have to the list.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #71 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 10:15am
More topics that won't be covered:

Capital gains tax. Should it be reviewed?
Waiting lists for public housing.
Housing costs.
Should the top effective tax rate of 67.6 cents in the dollar be reduced?
Compliance costs for PAYE taxpayers, including the length of time that tax records need to be kept.
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You are not entitled to your opinion. You are only entitled to hold opinions that you can defend through sound, reasoned argument.
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Australian Politics

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Gender: male
Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #72 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 10:19am

(1) Negative gearing.
(2) GST on online sales.
(3) Tax on startup company shares.
(4) Policy on the 12 new proposed subs.
(5) F35 strike fighter purchases to go ahead?
(6) Which public assets to be sold off.
(7) Tax avoidance by multi-nationals like GOOGLE.
(8) Dental care for those who can't afford it.
(9) Foreign ownership of media.
(10) Foreign ownership of agricultural land
(11) US troops & bases in Australia.
(12) Taxes on superannuation of the over 60s.
(13) Abolition of middle class welfare.
(14) Foreign food labeling laws,
(15) Supermarket/petrol station chain duopolies.
(16) Electric Cars
(17) Raising the retirement age to 70 and above
(18) Turning a blind eye to the NSA snooping peoples internet activities in Australia
(19) Selling off whole suburbs to the chinese
(20) Allowing chinese to buy up property and outbid locals at auctions
(21) Business migration scams creating no jobs for the locals and adding to the black economy.


(22) Capital gains tax. Should it be reviewed?
(23) Waiting lists for public housing.
(24) Homelessness.
(25) Housing costs.
(26) Should the top effective tax rate of 67.6 cents in the dollar be reduced?   ( I thought it was 48 cents? )
(27) Compliance costs for PAYE taxpayers, including the length of time that tax records need to be kept.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #73 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 10:55am
Bobby. wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 10:19am:
(26) Should the top effective tax rate of 67.6 cents in the dollar be reduced?   ( I thought it was 48 cents? )

If you're trying to get off welfare, the top effective rate of tax is 67.6 cents for the worst-case scenario: Earn $1. Income reduction = 60 cents in the dollar leaves 40 cents. That 40 cents is taxed at 19 cents = 7.6 cents. Total 67.6 cents.
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You are not entitled to your opinion. You are only entitled to hold opinions that you can defend through sound, reasoned argument.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Forbidden topics in this election:
Reply #74 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 1:22pm
Bam wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 10:55am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 20th, 2013 at 10:19am:
(26) Should the top effective tax rate of 67.6 cents in the dollar be reduced?   ( I thought it was 48 cents? )

If you're trying to get off welfare, the top effective rate of tax is 67.6 cents for the worst-case scenario: Earn $1. Income reduction = 60 cents in the dollar leaves 40 cents. That 40 cents is taxed at 19 cents = 7.6 cents. Total 67.6 cents.

ah welcome to OUR playground, dipweed.  nice to see that you managed to destroy dailywire.  Well, over here we don't penalise people whose opinions they don't like.  I laughed and laughed when I saw dailywire was gone along with the 6 fellow wankers you allowed to post.

No one will treat you the disgraceful way you treated others.  We wont ask for citations for the bleeding obvious or get offended by opinions we don't like.

It is one of lifes little joys to see you come here skulking with your tail between your legs.
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