My my isn't this fun??
GENX ?? You are the have such simplistic views... but hey spoken with Gusto..!!

Can't fault you on your passion...only its subject.. and.. just.. you need a bit more wisdom ... and err sorry bub that comes with life experience...!
and you aquascoot .. oh.. you'd love to work for Murdoch... he is such a good boss..

My dear friends, there is more to life than being a worker bee...
This culture you cherish is a failure. The facts are written on the earth we live on, and are in the process of destroying.
Enabled by our politicians.. unless of course you are also in denial about climate change.
Strangely, and v sadly IMO the 'POLLS' ..sacrosanct agents of change
are saying... the Environment isn't even on the list of major issues..
Ah HA the power of the Pen is mightier than the Sword.
well... I say again
Enough is ENOUGH.....