Don't know about you all, but I am so sick of the two major party's..I'd like never to see their scheming false faces , or hear their smarmy smug voices
ever again.
SO.. the 2 are ganging up on the GREENS.
You should take this as a call for democracy...
They don't want any challenge to their cosy set-up.
..... their career, their life-long benefits ad nauseam..
Gaf for the Country..!!
(some might, but their party doesn't)
I will not vote for either of the 2 ...and I exhort ALL Australians,...
to vote for anybody BUT the 2.
It is past time we MADE these 'entitled' ..redundant.
Lets get a new thing going.
I must ask you... COULD IT BE ANY WORSE.???
( for those that might leap in with horror pictures of the future... give it a rest.

We live in AUSTRALIA in 2013 !! ffs NOT the 1st half of the last century..!!) .
Do we EVER learn from the past.?