maybe that is so...
after all... you all live in longing for the past.. you condemn any attempt at 'change' to your right-wing agenda.. you want to bring back the good old days... you bemoan the fact that the world is now different... oh boo hoo I want it like it was back in the day...
well sorry.... change is inevitable... it just is... and no amount of sabre-rattling will change this simple fact. Altho the change MAY be worse if this bogus garbage continues.
You cannot go BACK.... no matter how you yearn for the good ol' days...
'cos hey they weren't THAT GOOD.
Believe what you like ... just a pity really that idiots and media-blasted hype seem to go together... and sadly... the interested parties.. ie the rich.. like Murdoch, the western bag, and other's who rape their country have much more in their arsenal ..because..?? they have the money...
lots of people can no longer form their own opinion... they rabbit the crap they hear on the biased media, which is all they are capable of dealing with.
We live in interesting times.

Addendum.... oh by the way
the Pollster that rang me before, re the Election...????
showed up as AN OVERSEAS CALL.!!!