I agree with #
There is no 'Golden Rule' that says governments are best to seek a surplus, in spite of anything else. That is just rubbish.
Why people in the street worry their heads about it is beyond me. They think they should get less.. from the govt THEY put into POWER, for THEIR benefit, so that these pollies can say they're in SURPLUS.??
Since when has being 'in surplus' been the primary goal of government?... government of the people by the people for the people. !

Government is NOT a BUSINESS ...whatever you are lead to believe.
Government is ABOVE business... or should be.

This shift in direction for Australian governmental ethos occurred during the Howard yrs.
Labor FAILED to retain it's integrity. ... and bought into the whole globalisation, laissez-faire approach..
They WENT along with workplace agreements, for example.
I told Gibson and Jenny George at the time... wrong path ...
but they thought Labor had to jump on board the new BUSINESS model Bandwagon.......

Hack Hack Puke
And here we are boys and girls.
It is interesting to have lived long enough to be able to look back , in some depth, and see the changes/non-changes that have led to NOW.