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Abbott's Environment problem (Read 190 times)
True Colours
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Australian Politics

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Abbott's Environment problem
Aug 15th, 2013 at 11:56am
First a $70 billion black hole, now this $4 billion funding gap. How could we trust Abbott with our economy when his sums don't add up?

Tony Abbott's climate plan has $4bn funding gap, new modelling shows

Devastating analysis shows Coalition will have to stump up extra cash – or break pledge to cut emissions by 5% by 2020

Tony Abbott will have to find at least another $4bn for his climate policy or else break his pledge to cut emissions by 5% by 2020 and instead allow them to increase by 9%, according to new modelling suggesting the Coalition's Direct Action plan cannot work.

The Coalition insists it will provide no more than the money it has allocated to buy emission reductions from polluters who voluntarily apply to its emissions reduction fund – $2.5bn over the next four years – and, according to figures in the original 2009 policy document, almost $5bn by 2020.

But a devastating analysis by the Climate Institute, based on modelling from Sinclair Knight Merz/MMA and Monash University's Centre of Policy Studies, found at least $4.07bn more would be required to meet the target.

Without the extra money, the modelling shows, the Coalition would have no hope of meeting the international pledge of a minimum 5% emissions reduction by 2020, agreed by both the main parties, and would instead preside over an increase in Australia's emissions of 9%.

This would be equivalent to doubling the number of cars on Australian roads, the analysis says...
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Illawarra NSW
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Re: Abbott's Environment problem
Reply #1 - Aug 15th, 2013 at 1:03pm
If the Climate Institute was fair dinkum it would factor in the investment lost, the jobs lost, the damage to Australia's industry and competitiveness and the lost income taxation that the Carbon Tax and a ETS has done and will do.

This is humungously more than $4 B.

The fact is that prosperity will increase CO2 emissions.

Lefty policies are simply about retarding prosperity, killing off enterprise, creating unemployment so that they can feel warm and fuzzy at parties.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Abbott's Environment problem
Reply #2 - Aug 15th, 2013 at 2:04pm
Of even more concern to you guys is (or should be) the very lucrative fracking industry

Remember the Newcastle earthquake ?   Two decades along, it was announced the direct cause was mining

Are you keeping abreast of the fracking industry overseas ?  You should be, because as soon as they have this election over with, Australia is going to be shaken to its foundations by fracking

and let's remember this land used to be seabed.  It's sandstone and limestone, a lot of it.  Perfect for fracking as it fractures so easily

One you've broken that nice vase into a hundred pieces --- is it ever the same again ?  Can you ever stick it back together so it's as stable and pretty as it was before it was shattered ?

Answer: no.  That vase will never be stable again.  It will always leak.  It's ruined, even though from a distance it might look ok

Well, you'll be living on the equivalent of a shattered vase as soon as this election's done

Look at the scandal out near Cambelltown as just one example.  The government, through its real-estate arm, sold land to families.  Those families had to sink up to their necks in mortgages.  THEN they discovered the multinationals had been granted permission to frack the entire area !

Abbott's environmental concerns --- do they include a ban on fracking ?  Has he ever even raised the fracking issue ?  Has Rudd ?

No.  They're hoping it won't even enter your mind.  Which is why the whore media is titivating you will bull shiiite about sexism and vegemite, etc. etc.   You're being treated like idiots

Palmer has come out against fracking.  At least he's discussing it -- raising the issue -- putting it to people's attention

The Greens wouldn't have a bar of fracking anywhere it had the potential to cause harm to man or the environment

Abbott kicks a ball.  Rudd poses with Vegemite.  They're laughing at your gullibility and the ease with which they can hold your attention using stupid props and idiotic comments

Learn to care about fracking.  It's impact on the Aussie environment can't be estimated

If in doubt, read some of the survivor stories from the Newcastle earthquake

Get up to speed with farmers all over this country and their concerns with and fight against, fracking in all its forms

The media doesn't want you to even THINK about fracking

That's why it's reporting Abbott's gaffes and Rudd's fringe

You're online, so go to Youtube and find out what fracking is doing to overseas environments

See the Youtube reporting of water from taps right here in Australia as that water catches FIRE

It's all there for you to find

You have to live on what's left when they've finished shattering and destroying our fragile environment

and even if YOU don't care

your kids will
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