John Smith wrote on Aug 21 st, 2013 at 5:11pm: longweekend58 wrote on Aug 21 st, 2013 at 5:08pm: John Smith wrote on Aug 21 st, 2013 at 3:25pm: longweekend58 wrote on Aug 21 st, 2013 at 2:38pm: John Smith wrote on Aug 21 st, 2013 at 1:02pm: longweekend58 wrote on Aug 21 st, 2013 at 12:56pm: John Smith wrote on Aug 21 st, 2013 at 12:37pm: longweekend58 wrote on Aug 19 th, 2013 at 9:53am: John Smith wrote on Aug 18 th, 2013 at 7:50pm: Winston Smith wrote on Aug 18 th, 2013 at 7:45pm: red baron wrote on Aug 18 th, 2013 at 5:10pm: The sky is the limit for the Wireless Network, I predict that within 5 years the technology for wireless will be so advanced it will make copper networks look like Jurrassic Park. I predict that within 5 years time scientists will be warning us of a link between living our lives in a world bathed in radiation and a global cancer epidemic. I'm also not sure if wireless is even very secure or private. I imagine it's a lot more vulnerable to Chinese hackers than fixed line. I saw a documentary once, a hacker merely sat in his car driving around with a laptop which was searching for wireless signals, once he found one it took him 2 minutes to get past the security programme, crack the passwords and extract all sorts of private information including bank account numbers and passwords ... he then moved onto the next house and did it again.... in one hour he had about 15 id's complete with photo's, bank account numbers and passwords. sounds likea TT story (ie made-up). do you keep your passwords on your computer? Not my area of expertise longy, but I believe you can even download programmes that crack passwords. And yes, some passwords are kept on the computer if you want to know anything about passwords and encryption DONT watch american TV where cops 'crack' encryption in 30 secs or 'really hard stuff' in 5 minutes. properly randomised passwords are IMPOSSIBLE to predict and commonly used encryption software available on the net is unbreakable to anyone without a super-computer and anything from days to months to run it on. We aren't talking an MS WORD password which is hackable with relative easy. but proper PGP or other encryption is virtual unbreakable. do you think most people use randomised passwords? Many businesses may have the stuff you are referring to, and even they get hacked. didn't some 15yr kid hack $10 million from a bank in the US a few years ago? they only reason they caught him was because he tried to withdraw it in cash .... most peoples passwords are simple and have some sort of sequence or logic so as to make them easy to remember. There are many hacker programmes that can run through 100 million possibles in mere minutes ... sure, they won't get into all, but I'll bet they get into most personal PC's. the password to your PC is worthless. if hides nothing whatsoever. All it does is permit access to the Windows OS. your data is unencrypted and accessible by any computer you plug the drive into. If you want security then get real security or don't bother. Proper encryption products are virtually unbreakable. and unlike the movies and TV shows, they don't allow some external program to enter attempt after attempt until you get it right. Most will actually lock the data after a certain number of tries assuming that the person attempting to get in is unauthorised. but we weren't talking about proper encryption products, we are talking about how much easier it is to hack into a pc that runs on wireless, as compared to one fixed to a landline. SO you agree than that putting people onto wireless is a hackers wet dream? please don't tell me that you think wireless is inherently more likely to be hacked that fibre. the fibre will connect to a modem with ... yes a wireless connection. I guess that depends on the modem .... I have no wireless at my place. modern ones all have them and automatically switched on. I set up two wireless accounts: one is POLICE_SURVEILLANCE_UNIT and ASIO Never had those two hacked!