Verge wrote on Aug 15
th, 2013 at 3:53pm:
I attended a local community group fundraising event a few years ago which I stopped by while they were setting up to say good morning to a couple of the old ladies that were a part of it and have been friends of the family for as long as I can remember, and to have a squiz at what they were doing.
This turned into a cup of tea and cake (older ladies really know how to cook!!), which then turned into helping fix a table then somehow 6 hours later I was still there practically running it for them and doing the pack up.
It was great to lend a hand, I didnt have anything else on for the day, but when we were finished and enjoying another cup of tea and cake (beer wouldnt have gone a stray but this was a dry argument) they were so grateful for the help, thanked me, and some of the comments were along the lines of lovely young man, handsome gentleman, and one wanted me to meet her grand daughter. I wasnt shocked, I wasnt disgusted, I wasnt appaulled, I wasnt displeased, I was a touch embarrassed and laughed like the Coalition candidate, I wasnt uncomfortable and most significantly of all I did meet the grand daughter.
We need to get over this precious behaviour that renders people like robots. Some people are daggy in their praise, and at least its a human real response from the person. Its not behaviour that should be condemned or played out to be bigger than what it is.
Politicians give us so much ammunition in their statements that to focus on such a comment and to give it so much attention and discussion is a blight on us the people far more than what it is on them.
Im the words of Mark "Chopper" Reid - "Harden the F Up".
Completely different situation. I doubt the nice old ladies implied you were f**kable or when talking to her granddaughter and explaining your virtues as a human behind I doubt the grandma wouldve pointed out you had sex appeal, and THATS why you were such a "good catch."
I'd have no problem if tony wankjob said she was great for the following x reasons. Oh and btw she is a pretty woman. No he stuttered and stuttered and then said vote for her because she was f**kable