warrigal wrote on Aug 17
th, 2013 at 7:28am:
[well true blue you bastard if you don't like your tax payers money being used so a unemployed person can try to survive, well then provide them with a job.
oh dear lord...

listen, you've missed my point...I don't begrudge people on welfare getting a few bucks to live but it pisses me off when I see it being wasted on smokes, alcohol, tattoos, excessive mobile phone usage...
what's that got to do with surviving?
if you can buy all of those things then you are obviously getting too much money... and you see it all of the time...
my daughter is at home raising her daughter but she knits things and sells them for extra money...
she has never asked for a raise in welfare like some of the bludgers on here....
for the long term unemployed there are free courses that you can do to improve your chances of getting a job... get off your lazy asses and go do them...
I have literally done hundreds of courses throughout my life... some maybe considered worthless as to getting employment but you need to keep your mind active and sharp... if people see that you are willing to participate in courses and you have passed them it shows that you are willing, and can, to learn a new job...
if you want to see more employment in Australia then don't vote Labor... immigrants will get your job...
don't vote Labor who brought in the Carbon Tax that have made our manufacturing industry uncompetitive and who are now closing down...
and this is the thing... even your vote could lead to you getting employed again...
but some of the beggars on here who are trying to scrounge an extra $50 welfare vote for parties and polices (stupid greens and labor) that will see millions of Australians out of work...
it is beyond belief that they would sabotage themselves in this way...