Thanks Saladin. Anymore?
The answer is yes:
Quote:David Parker, a Labor Minister under Burke and later Deputy Premier, jailed for 18 months. Perjury, having lied to the Royal Commission investigating corruption.
Quote:Merrilyn ‘Merri’ Rose, Labor Minister for (again) Racing, Tourism & Fair Trade, 18 months jail for extortion.
Quote:Terry Martin liked being a Labor MP. He also liked having sex with and taking explicit sexual photographs of a 12 year old child. It was for his deciding to vote against Labor that the Party disowned him, not his pedophiliac tendencies, which does seem, after all, to be moving along quite nicely as a fine Labor tradition. Martin was convicted on pedophilia and creating child pornography charges, his sentence suspended due to his medical condition (Parkinson’s Disease).
Quote:Phuong Ngo was an ALP poster boy, a Vietnamese refugee made good, being groomed by Labor to take up a seat in Parliament. Ngo’s on-going conflict with Parliamentarian John Newman was escalating quickly and, on 5 September 1994, Ngo had Newman shot and killed in the driveway of his home. Speculation as to the extent of the conspiracy beyond Ngo into Labor ranks continue, with ALP MP John Della Bosca asking junior MP Reba Meagher to vie for Newman’s seat an hour before his murder. Although the conspiracy links were never proven, the rumors of the extent of who knew what about Newman’s assassination have never settled. Ngo remains in strong communication with top ALP figures from his cell in Long Bay Maximum Security prison where he was sentenced “never to be released”.
Oh hell, we could be here until Xmas

The Australian Labor Party is the 'enlightened and progressive' party.