Peter Freedman wrote on Aug 19
th, 2013 at 11:46am:
So the sources of these revalations are two unnamed people plus:
Alexander Downer, a political opponent
Alan Jones, a obscene, bigoted Labor hater
Penberthy, once editor of the trashiest tabloid in the land.
Hardly unbiased group, are they?
HIS name has appeared as "authorised by" on the current batch of Liberal campaign television commercials
( ... I've ALWAYS been curious, as to the identity of these "authorised by" people)The ONLY hint of credibility - in the Telegraph piece - was the bit on
Quote:"We had him on Meet The Press earlier this year," says Ten Network political editor Paul Bongiorno, who has always found Rudd friendly, if distracted. "The arrangement is always: please be in the studio by a quarter to eight, and please don't wear a green tie.
"So he shows up at 30 seconds to eight wearing a green tie, so we didn't have time to make him up and we had to rush a tie in.
FootnoteThe author of the "piece" is the daughter of the late, esteemed Canberra political correspondent -
Peter Harvey - who would NEVER have put his name to such a trashy excuse for "journalism"
Further ...
I have a nephew with Asperger's syndrome
The OP is a total ignoramus
- knowing NOTHING of the condition