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Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM? (Read 5559 times)
True Blue...
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Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Aug 18th, 2013 at 5:33pm
this is a story of the "REAL RUDD"...

its an older story fro back in 2010 but have a look at the predictions from back then and what he would do to get back to the PMs office again...

they were 100% spot on....

the guy is a filthy undermining grub..

COULD Kevin Rudd be this vindictive? Our complex, brilliant, idiosyncratic, angry former prime minister, seething like an exiled prince in the north, is widely regarded as the likeliest source of the most damaging allegations to surface about his deposer, Julia Gillard. 
In the crucial first weeks of her election campaign, Gillard has been forced to fight anonymous allegations that she reneged on a deal to give Rudd more time as leader, and that she opposed pension and parental-leave policies in confidential Cabinet meetings.

All the while, Rudd has played the humble Member for Griffith, smiling for the cameras, playing with schoolchildren and pretending he can't hear journalists' questions.

The leaks may have come from other politicians or staffers, authorised by Rudd or not. They may be old information, gleaned by journalists when Rudd was still PM.

Or they may be a pieced-together account by staffers who weren't in the Cabinet room, but who subsequently heard reports.

Whether or not Rudd is deliberately trying to lose Labor the election - and one day return to his throne - he is undoubtedly the beneficiary. And he has a long history of leaking against his own side.

The people who know Rudd best tell of his coldness and his kindness, his brutality, his consideration and his conceit.

Today, former foreign minister Alexander Downer reveals he regularly used Rudd to leak damaging information against his then-Opposition Labor colleagues during the early 2000s.

"I don't use the c-word, but I do use the f-word pretty freely, and I can tell you that Kevin Rudd is a bugger*** awful person," Downer says.

Others have plenty more to say about Rudd.

"I think he has some form of Asperger's syndrome," broadcaster Alan Jones says.

"We called it 'the icebox'," says one of Rudd's many disgruntled ex-staffers, describing the way Rudd would freeze out anyone who gave him bad news or tried to argue.

"If Rudd was p***** off with you, he would stop asking you to do things.

"You'd end up with nothing to do, and he'd give your work to other people. And if you disagreed about anything, he'd shut you out."

But ice-cold was better than blazing hot. When Rudd kicked a hole in the wall of his own office, screaming with anger, none of his staff quite knew what to say.

It was 2007 and Rudd, as Opposition leader, had just conducted an aggressive press conference in Sydney. He returned to his Phillip St office and let everyone know how strong his rage could be. "We all saw it - all the staff," one witness says. "It was extraordinary."

What frequently set Rudd off was the feeling that he was unappreciated - like the flop of his speech before the UN general assembly in September, 2008.

The UN auditorium was three-quarters empty, and Rudd's then-chief of staff, David Epstein, nodded off. That was bad enough, but when Rudd got wind of the Australian news reports mocking his appearance, he lost it.

In his private suite on the jet home, surrounded by staff and RAAF personnel, Rudd raged.

"He actually punched the wall of the plane," one observer says. This time, luckily, he didn't put his foot through it.

Busting to leak

"ALEX," Rudd said once to Alexander Downer before he became leader, "you and I are too bright to be leaders of our parties." It was late one evening at Parliament House, and Rudd was obviously feeling despondent. Downer had no sympathy.

Rudd, the chairman of Labor's foreign-affairs caucus committee, had deeply offended Downer when he failed to show up at a dinner with a visiting foreign minister that Downer had organised.

"We rang his office and they said he wanted to do something in the Parliament. It turned out that he wanted to do some media thing," Downer says.

"This monstrously bad behaviour just kept coming through. I sent him and Julie Bishop on a parliamentary delegation to Zimbabwe; he was using the c-word to her all the time. Women don't like that.

"Rudd was so incredibly unprincipled. When he was chairman of the caucus committee, we used to use him mercilessly to embarrass (Labor foreign spokesman) Laurie Brereton.

"Personally, I think Laurie Brereton's a very competent and funny operator. But Rudd was happy to humiliate and embarrass him.

"We would give Rudd information to use against Brereton, and he would use it."

Rudd was so determined to snatch Brereton's portfolio, Downer says, that he would feed whatever titbits he had gleaned to his contacts.

The information would appear in a newspaper or magazine under the byline of one of Rudd's known contacts. It would inevitably make Brereton look foolish. And Rudd, inevitably, took his job.

That story gels with the set-up by former Labor leader and Rudd-hater Mark Latham, who described in his diaries telling Rudd the lie that Labor was running focus groups on Iraq, then waiting to see when the "leak" would appear in Laurie Oakes' column in the now-defunct weekly magazine The Bulletin.

Within days, Oakes wrote about the focus groups. "Trapped him. Rudd is a terrible piece of work: addicted to the media and leaking," Latham wrote
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True Blue...
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #1 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 5:35pm
Rudd versus Jones

RUDD once tried to put Alan Jones in the icebox.

It was a disaster. The powerful broadcaster disliked most of Rudd's policies, and firmly disapproved of his style.

Soon after being elected, Rudd began refusing to come on Jones's top-rating program. This enraged Jones, particularly as Rudd still sought to ingratiate himself in personal encounters. "Whenever I was at a function, he would never stop following me around the room," Jones says. "It was embarrassing. At the same time, we kept inviting him on the program.

"After 70-odd requests, I put my foot down and said he wasn't welcome. Then he would ring me and say 'Oh, Alan'. I told him to p*** off."

Jones found Rudd's lack of social awareness startling.

"There's a lot of talk about this Asperger's disease. I do feel sorry for the fellow, in some ways," he says.

"He had no social skills, no inter-personal relationships. He was only comfortable when he was surrounded by adolescents.

"And he was never across detail. That's the real reason he wouldn't come on the program.

"He rang me when I was in hospital this year, which was kind, but I still found him a very strange person.

"I just think he wasn't up to it. He wasn't up to the task, and there was something very Shakespearean about his betrayal by the very people who had always overtly supported him."

State Labor premiers welcomed Rudd's election in 2007, but federal-state relations didn't improve much.

Advisers were horrified when, at the Council of Australian Government meeting last December, Rudd suddenly began shouting at Victorian Premier John Brumby.

That encounter was echoed in March this year, when Rudd blatantly ignored NSW Premier Kristina Keneally at a meeting when she tried to welcome him.

The PR disaster was obvious to everyone except Rudd. For four days, Labor strategists from Canberra and Sydney rang and texted Rudd's chief of staff, Alister Jordan, telling him the situation was ugly.

Finally, Rudd called Keneally. He didn't apologise, but he displayed a friendlier tone and, in the subsequent days, his staff invited Keneally to Kirribilli House to pose for more genial pictures.

In the meantime, Gillard flew to Sydney for an education meeting, ensuring that she was photographed whispering in Keneally's ear as they both beamed.

"We had him on Meet The Press earlier this year," says Ten Network political editor Paul Bongiorno, who has always found Rudd friendly, if distracted."The arrangement is always: please be in the studio by a quarter to eight, and please don't wear a green tie.

"So of course he shows up at 30 seconds to eight wearing a green tie, so we didn't have time to make him up and we had to rush a tie in.

"That was to do live TV - and it's a bit of an indication of the impossibility of marshalling the guy."
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True Blue...
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #2 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 5:35pm
A tale of two Kevs

PUBLIC and private behaviour modes blurred with Rudd. At business lunches, he would eat off the plates of others.

"He just sat there eating the chips off my plate, chip after chip," says one senior business figure who dined with Rudd when he was Opposition leader. "It was a bit strange."

In private, when he was relaxed and in the company of people that he liked, Rudd could be fabulously entertaining, telling funny, self-deprecating stories and twiddling through his BlackBerry to read aloud interesting titbits that he found on the Wikipedia website.

But he could also be inconsiderate, constantly keeping his federal police security detail waiting from before dawn until well after sunset for trips that never eventuated. "We never have a clue where he's going to go. We never know when. We just have to wait," one officer said when Rudd first came into office.

Rudd felt he really understood the media. "It's Kevin Rudd here - I've got some copy for you," he'd say when, as a young MP, he would ring newspaper or wire-service journalists.

Then he'd start dictating: "New par, Opposition foreign-affairs spokesman Kevin Rudd arrived in Fiji last night full stop. New par, open quote."

He would startle press-gallery correspondents with midnight calls about nothing in particular, and flurries of texts. If his press release didn't make it into the story, or an article displeased him, Rudd would ring in a rage.

"How am I? How the bugger do you think I am?" he said one Sunday afternoon in April, 2007 to The Daily Telegraph's then-editor, David Penberthy. "They make up these bugger*** lies and they put it on page one!"

That day, The Sunday Telegraph had broken the sensational story of Rudd's Sunrise "false dawn" story, when Channel Seven producers attempted to hold a Vietnam Anzac Day service in the dark at 4am, to better suit the morning show's time frame.

The story had been picked up by News Limited Sunday papers around the country.

Penberthy was on his mobile phone at a family lunch. He asked if Rudd realised he had, at that time, nothing to do with the Sundays.

"You don't understand," Rudd said. "As a result of your papers, 15 million people around the country think I'm a bugger*** front bottom!"

Penberthy had to laugh: "I think it's only about 10 million, mate."

Rudd was later forced to admit his office had known of the plan, after proof emerged in the form of emails between Seven and Rudd staffers, and accounts from veterans who were briefed on the planned 4am "dawn" service.

Rudd claimed his staff had failed to tell him about any email contact with Seven.

That was because everyone was "too afraid", one former aide says.

"Everyone was frightened. You couldn't have a normal discussion about who might have emailed Seven, or known about it. You couldn't give him bad news."

The flipside was that Rudd didn't consider it necessary to be honest with his own office.

Media advisers would press him to give an answer on a particular topic, and he would obfuscate or flatly deny. Days later, they would be startled to hear him say the complete opposite on air.

On issues he cared about, such as indigenous affairs, Rudd was ravenous for detail.

That obsessive demand for detail extended to everything.

"On a regular day, we started work at 5am and didn't leave until after Lateline had finished," another ex-adviser says.

"One night, the policy unit stayed up all night to prepare a 69-page report that he never did anything with. He would make people work for no real reason. He was a sadist."
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True Blue...
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #3 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 5:37pm
The bully boy

SOMETIMES, it paid to stand up to Rudd. Penberthy, now editor of The Punch, established good relations with Rudd when he was in opposition by telling him where to go.

"Ah, Penbo, I'm going to need a correction off the back of that garbage you published in (Sydney) Confidential today," he announced one afternoon.

Penberthy flicked to the page to find a two-line item gently mocking Rudd for holding "five press conferences" the previous day. He couldn't see the problem.

"I did not hold five press conferences," Rudd sniffed. "OK, how many did you hold?" Penberthy asked. "I don't know, but it wasn't five," Rudd said. "Was it four?" Penberthy asked.

"That's not the bugger*** point," Rudd snapped.At that point, Penberthy lost his temper, too. "Mate, I'll tell you what the bugger*** point is. Every time I see you, you make it absolutely clear you want to be the leader of the Opposition and the Prime Minister.

"I'll give you a tip: don't waste my bugger*** time ringing up demanding apologies over bugger*** pissant stuff like this."

Suddenly, Rudd became conciliatory, backing off and suggesting a friendly drink at some stage. And from that moment, Penberthy found Rudd invariably "convivial, respectful and open. I really like the bloke, and I always found him good company," Penberthy says now.

"I never minded him firing up or swearing - plenty of people in politics and the media act the exact same way - but I suppose, given what happened to him, he ultimately signed his own death warrant with his abrasiveness."

Other editors and news directors tell of being screeched at by Rudd.

But then, most of them have similar stories about Paul Keating or Malcolm Turnbull.

"I don't know anyone in a senior position, with a lot of pressure, who can't be short-tempered at times," says Andrew Penfold, of the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation, who says Rudd is a man of genuine Christian passions. Alexander Downer has a different view: "I've known every prime minister of Australia since I was born, and I have to say Rudd is one of a kind.

"They're all vain, and all quite selfish people, but I've never come across anybody so self-obsessed, so absolutely focused on self-advancement. He would say anything or do anything to advance his own interests."

Downer's dislike of Rudd began in earnest in September, 2004, after the Australian embassy in Jakarta was bombed.

He says Rudd, in a foul-mouthed temper, demanded that the VIP jet come via Brisbane to collect him for the urgent trip to Indonesia.

Downer said there was no time to divert the jet, but offered to pay for a commercial flight for Rudd. Rudd then demanded that the minister find out the flight schedules.

"I'm not your bugger*** travel agent," Downer snapped.

On arriving in Jakarta, Downer was touched when, in the midst of the crisis, a thoughtful embassy staffer gave him a cigar as a birthday present.

"Rudd was up there the next day, obviously, and he heard about this. He told the media Downer had sent embassy officials out to scour the town for a cigar for him," Downer says now.

"That's an awful thing to have done. It's those little things that help explain why I think so poorly of him.

"This guy was the most cynical person you'd ever find."

On the Thursday after Rudd was rolled, Downer received a text message from a friend in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. "Carnival atmosphere here," it read.

In Rudd's wake, Canberra is buzzing with rumour about his whereabouts, his intentions and his motives.

The best joke stars diplomat Hugh Borrowman, whom Rudd rejected for a plum appointment to Germany, ostensibly because he wasn't fluent in German and despite the fact DFAT regularly puts senior officers through intensive language training.

"Well, I may not speak much German, but I do have in the front of my mind a German word," Borrowman reportedly said to colleagues. "Schadenfreude."

Does Rudd think he can resurrect his prime ministership?Undoubtedly, say his Labor colleagues. Without a doubt, says Downer. That's a measure of the man - and of the central flaw that shaped his tragedy.

Like all leaders, Rudd had the positive, and negative, manifestations of a huge, undented self-belief: enormous vigour; unselfconsciousness about mannerism and temper; a great desire to be liked.

He had a masterful grasp of topics that excited him, disregard for peripheral concerns - and, soaking through it all, deep intellectual pride.

They were all manifestations of a particular kind of arrogance. They were the characteristics that made Kevin Rudd successful. They also made him widely loathed.

And now, as he stands in the wings and contemplates his stolen dream, we must wait to see where they will take him next

the rest is history... how he undermined Gillard and Labor to steal back the Prime Ministership..

what a piece of garbage...  Angry
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"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"

Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #4 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:00pm
LOL the conga line of nuf nufs are still fearful even with the polls showing Rudd will get rolled. I suppose with phoney Tony at the helm you never can be too certain. Grin Grin Grin
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #5 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:11pm
skippy. wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:00pm:
LOL the conga line of nuf nufs are still fearful even with the polls showing Rudd will get rolled. I suppose with phoney Tony at the helm you never can be too certain. Grin Grin Grin

you really are a dumb snot.  You obviously didn't read the article.
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #6 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:15pm


is the link.

skippy - please show where the article is incorrect.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #7 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:39pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:15pm:

is the link.

skippy - please show where the article is incorrect.

I said I still the smell the fear even though it is apparent Rudd will get rolled.
The fact nuf nufs are still posting this sort of shi t and trolls like long loser see fit to spew his shi t in its defence show just how insecure the conga line are about Rudd still sneaking in.
As for reading the article and questioning its authenticity, no sprint, I agree with it, anyone that's ever been a PM is a narciicist vain self admiring control freak, Abbott will be no exception,probably worse. He probably wanks over his own speedo pics.
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #8 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 7:03pm
This is a thread about Rudd's sociopath / psychotic nature.

Nothing at all to do with Tony Abbott.

Try and stay on topic
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John Smith
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #9 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 7:13pm
miketrees wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 7:03pm:
This is a thread about Rudd's sociopath / psychotic nature.

Nothing at all to do with Tony Abbott.

Try and stay on topic

Do you want a cheer squad ?
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #10 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 7:24pm
skippy. wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:39pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:15pm:

is the link.

skippy - please show where the article is incorrect.

I said I still the smell the fear even though it is apparent Rudd will get rolled.
The fact nuf nufs are still posting this sort of shi t and trolls like long loser see fit to spew his shi t in its defence show just how insecure the conga line are about Rudd still sneaking in.
As for reading the article and questioning its authenticity, no sprint, I agree with it, anyone that's ever been a PM is a narciicist vain self admiring control freak, Abbott will be no exception,probably worse. He probably wanks over his own speedo pics.

what you are smelling is your own stinking self you moron. NOBODY on here is expecting a Labor win.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #11 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:01pm
miketrees wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 7:03pm:
This is a thread about Rudd's sociopath / psychotic nature.

NO, it ISN'T
The thread is about an article written by a Murdoch staffer - published in a Murdoch tabloid - with AWB/Saddam Hussein Oil-for-Wheat scandal's biggest player as its major source

Though I believe there may be some element of truth in the Rudd
"green tie affair"

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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #12 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:01pm
longweekend58 wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 7:24pm:
skippy. wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:39pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:15pm:

is the link.

skippy - please show where the article is incorrect.

I said I still the smell the fear even though it is apparent Rudd will get rolled.
The fact nuf nufs are still posting this sort of shi t and trolls like long loser see fit to spew his shi t in its defence show just how insecure the conga line are about Rudd still sneaking in.
As for reading the article and questioning its authenticity, no sprint, I agree with it, anyone that's ever been a PM is a narciicist vain self admiring control freak, Abbott will be no exception,probably worse. He probably wanks over his own speedo pics.

what you are smelling is your own stinking self you moron. NOBODY on here is expecting a Labor win.

Nobody OFF here expects a Labor win either!
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #13 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:30pm
miketrees wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 7:03pm:
This is a thread about Rudd's sociopath / psychotic nature.

Nothing at all to do with Tony Abbott.

Ahh, but we do need to compare. From what I've seen, both men are psychopaths. The question is, which is least unfit to govern?

For mine, Abbott's peculiarities are more worrying  than Rudd's.
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True Blue...
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Re: Rudds Asperger's syndrome... Should he be PM?
Reply #14 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:30pm
Armchair_Politician wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:01pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 7:24pm:
skippy. wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:39pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 6:15pm:

is the link.

skippy - please show where the article is incorrect.

I said I still the smell the fear even though it is apparent Rudd will get rolled.
The fact nuf nufs are still posting this sort of shi t and trolls like long loser see fit to spew his shi t in its defence show just how insecure the conga line are about Rudd still sneaking in.
As for reading the article and questioning its authenticity, no sprint, I agree with it, anyone that's ever been a PM is a narciicist vain self admiring control freak, Abbott will be no exception,probably worse. He probably wanks over his own speedo pics.

what you are smelling is your own stinking self you moron. NOBODY on here is expecting a Labor win.

Nobody OFF here expects a Labor win either!

sure... but the way some of the people talk about him I here you'd think he was the second coming of the Messiah..

im not sure these Labor politically illiterate nincompoops even understand how bad this white  anting bastard has been to his own party.. .

people who knew him at the time they were interviewed back in 2010 said that he'd white ant Labor so that he could get back the PMship...

they were 100% ....

he leaked like a rusty bucket on his entire party until he brought it to its knees...

he is also a thug who should be charged with workplace bullying... kicking holes in walls, punching walls in planes, throwing tantrums and going banana's to the point his staff was sh*t scared of him...

how did this cretin get to be PM?

unbelievable..  Angry
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"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"

Benjamin Franklin
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