True Blue... wrote on Aug 21
st, 2013 at 9:19pm:
Kat wrote on Aug 19
th, 2013 at 7:20pm:
Or this shed extension....
Better give up on the 'bludger' epithets while you're (not) ahead, I reckon.
kat... why do you have your gender set to "female' ?
also... shouldn't that shed roof have 2x4 nogins between the joists for strength?
1/ Due to a bug in the forum at one time, it kept changing no matter how many times I set it, so I eventually gave up.
2/ They weren't needed, it's essentially a garden shed (around 2.5x2.5) and has almost no load on the skillion roof. The
job involved dumping the original gable roof, raising the roofline by 800mm, and re-sheeting. The employer decided that
this would do, and he was the one signing the cheques. I was there doing another job for him recently, and it's survived
some gale-force winds since its completion.