red baron wrote on Aug 20
th, 2013 at 3:30pm:
Here's a taste of what to expect if RUDD is re elected.
1. National debt to balloon out to 600 billion dollars
Actually, the PEFO estimates on net debt is only $217 billion by 2016-7
Another govt estimate and you want to believe it? the same govt that has promised surpluses?
red baron wrote on Aug 20
th, 2013 at 3:30pm:
2. Another 50,000 illegals to turn up (They haven't stopped coming you know PNG or no PNG)
The fact is that rudd's PNG plan is working. The numbers arriving are dropping off, and only one boat with around 200 people has arrived in the last 5 days. That is a big difference to the flood that were arriving at the time of the PNG announcement with about 1250 arrivals in those seven days, including six boats with nearly 500 passengers in one day.
Dropping from 'massive' to 'huge' is not a victory. Howard stopped them altogether. So will Abbott.
Of course, the total number of 'illegals' that arrive in Australia is actually much higher, but nobody seems to care about those who come by plane.
That's because these are all in your imagination. You cant even get ON a plane without a passport or get off it here without a visa.
red baron wrote on Aug 20
th, 2013 at 3:30pm:
3. Yearly Government Budget Deficit to be around 34 billion dollars
The PEFO estimate was that the budget would be balanced by 2015-6 and would be in surplus the following year.
yeah right... haven't we heard that repeatedly for years now and it hasn't just been slightly wrong but massively so>?
red baron wrote on Aug 20
th, 2013 at 3:30pm:
4. The new Labor Tax on everyone's savings accounts to go up and up as Labor desperately tries to source money
It won't cost as much as the GST widening and increasing that Abbott will bring in. Then there are all the cuts that will affect families like Abbott's plan to cut the schoolkids bonus.
Now you are just making stuff up. You lose credibility when you do that kind of nonsense.
red baron wrote on Aug 20
th, 2013 at 3:30pm:
5. The NBN to get dearer and dearer and dearer
So you expect that Abbott's internet plan wouldn't blow out either? It costs nearly as much but delivers crap.
it actually costs HALF as much and will be delivered as much as ten years earlier
red baron wrote on Aug 20
th, 2013 at 3:30pm:
6. Business confidence to bottom out to new levels of depression as Labor f....s over business.
Didn't hear business complaining when Rudd saved the Australian economy with stimulus spending during the global financial crisis.
An overly generous description of Rudd throwing $200B to the wind and hoping some of it did some good.
red baron wrote on Aug 20
th, 2013 at 3:30pm:
It killed the mining boom
The GFC and the subsequent slowdown in China killed off the mining boom.
The mining boom continued thru the GFC unimpeded. T[color=#0000ff][/color]he GFC was 2008, you dolt while it was 2013 - 5 yeasrs later - that the mining boom ended.