I have tried several times to get a comment posted. But if you want to believe that literally 100% of respondents think everything that is written is pure gold then you have no idea....
Bob Ellis is the founder of the site and regular writer.
Why do you keep lying longy If you have ever been on Independent Australia site you would see that Bob Ellis is not the founder and owner of the site
Finally, news has a conscience.
Independent Australia is a progressive journal focusing on politics, democracy, the environment, Australian history and Australian identity. It contains news and opinion from Australia and around the world.
Managing editor David Donovan
IA supports quality investigative journalism, as well as citizen journalism and a diversity of voices. It believes Australians are short-changed by the mass media — and so it dedicates itself to seeking out the truth and informing the public.
Independent Australia believes in a fully and truly independent Australia, a nation that determines its own future, a nation that protects its citizens, its environment and its future. A country that is fair and free.
IA is also opposed to partisan politics and supports Independent politicians.
(Read more about this here.)longweekend58 wrote on Aug 21
st, 2013 at 12:13pm:
John S wrote on Aug 21
st, 2013 at 12:04pm:
[quote author=longweekend58 link=1377041479/6#6 date=1377048483]what is wrong with independentaustralia??? are you serious? it is a blatantly pro-labor site with 100% anti-liberal articles. it doesn't even pretend to be unbiased. Read the comments and what do you see? yes that's right. 100% virulently anti-abbot posts. Ever tried to get a comment published there? they are always rejected unless they are abbott attacking, labor supporting drivel.
most of the articles are grossly inaccurate and the rest show bias that is embarrassingly obvious.
if you want to make your point you need to do so with articles that at least make an attempt to not be biased. The author - Bob Ellis - is so biased and so crazy hat even the ALP have distanced themselves from him.
Here is the guy that says
the Newspoll and News Limited are not biased.
Did Bob Ellis write any of those article I don't know why you brought him into the post the only reason I can see that you brought him in is that you can't say anything about the articles, and give me a link or something that says that the ALP have distanced themselves from him
Have you ever try to post a comment on Independent Australia site and if you haven't how do you know that they are rejected
I stand by th4e claim that newspoll is not biased. If that were so their stellar accuracy compared to actual election would not exist.
This is nothing more than shooting the messenger.
I notice that you never said anything about News Limited been biased. So how can 1 be biased and the other 1 not when they are both owned by the same person