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How aussie first home buyers were shafted by Kevy (Read 278 times)
Sir lastnail
Gold Member

Australian Politics

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How aussie first home buyers were shafted by Kevy
Aug 21st, 2013 at 8:42pm
check it out. The smoking gun just in case you overlooked it !!

It looks like the aussie housing market was going the same way it was in the rest of the world after the GFC but in steps Kevy and props it up by selling off large chunks off it to his chinese mates !! ie those who could afford it and those who could not which are all the locals. It seems that Kevy was willing to ignore the locals and sh.t all over them in order to stave off a collapse !! Ever since then there has been one hair brain scam after another to keep a floor under house prices and now housing affordability is worse than ever but Kevy's 10 million property portfolio is doing just fine !!

Generation Y, Kev wants you on board.

During Kevin Rudd’s comeback leadership victory speech he had a message for our young generation:

Before I conclude, let me say a word or two to young Australians.

    It’s clear that many of you, in fact too many of you have looked at our political system and the parliament in recent years and not liked or respected much of what you seen.

    In fact as I rock around the place talking to my own kids, they see it as a huge national turn-off.

    Well, I understand why you’ve switched off; It’s hardly a surprise.

    But I want to ask you to please come back and listen afresh.

    It is really important that we get you engaged, in any way we can.

    We need you, we need your energy, we need your ideas, we need your enthusiasm, and we need you to support us in the great challenges that lie ahead for the country.

    And with your energy, we can start cooking with gas.

    The challenges are great, but if we are positive and come together as a nation we can overcome each and every one of them.

After 22 years of consecutive growth fuelled by unsustainable fiscal “prop-ups” and distortions, the current generation is faced with an unattainable housing dream and an uncertain future. To put those 22 years in perceptive, Professor Ross Garnaut says “Between the recession of 1990-91 and now, mid-2013, Australians have enjoyed the longest period of economic expansion unbroken by recession of any developed country ever.”

Distortions from our home grown housing bubble and the record levels of household debt currently present in Australia has spilled over into the broader economy. When combined with the end of the mining boom, it is causing youth unemployment to sky-rocket. For the first time in decades, this generation is starting to struggle to get a job, let alone provide their own shelter – something even Generation X struggles with today. And with both sides of politics continuing to pursue any avenue possible to keep our miracle economy from collapse and expanding for yet another consecutive year, it’s no surprise our younger generation is disillusioned in the system.

Without government intervention, there is little doubt the Australian housing market would have collapsed in 2008 in parallel with other over extended housing markets around the globe. At the time, The Courier Mail reported “STRESSED home owners and investors are flooding the market with thousands of houses but agents say they can’t find any serious buyers for some properties.” The number of homes listed for sale was surging. Prices were falling.

Open the Foreign Floodgates!

At the time of the GFC, Australian household’s carried more household debt as a percentage of household disposable income than their American household counterparts. To cover all bases and ensure there wasn’t a devastating collapse of the housing market like in the United States, the government also “streamlined” the administrative requirements for the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB). As part of these changes, temporary residents (e.g. Chinese) could purchase Real Estate in Australia without having to report or gain approval from the FIRB in a bid to help support the market. It was sold to the Australian public as allowing the FIRB to concentrate on larger issues in the ‘National Interest’.

By March 2010, the media was flooded with articles (Australia for Sale) on Australian’s being outbid by an army of Chinese residents, effectively pricing Australian’s out of their own housing market. But the ‘streamlining of administrative requirements’ actually meant no records were kept, or more specifically it would seem that these foreign temporary residents no longer needed to lodge applications with the FIRB. There was public outcry and no real data to support just how big or small this issue actually was.

The outcry had grown so intense, that on the 24th April 2010 the government buckled and a tightening of foreign investment rules relating to residential property was announced, complete with a package of new civil penalties, compliance, monitoring and enforcement measures. The government even went to lengths to set up a 1800 hot-line for residents to report suspicious property buyers and help calm an outraged public.

The press release by the former Assistant Treasurer, Nick Sherry said “The Rudd Government is acting to make sure that investment in Australian real estate by temporary residents and foreign non-residents, is within the law, meets community expectations and doesn’t place pressure on housing availability for Australians.”

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« Last Edit: Aug 21st, 2013 at 8:53pm by Sir lastnail »  

In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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Sir lastnail
Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 30117
Gender: male
Re: How aussie first home buyers were shafted by Kevy
Reply #1 - Aug 21st, 2013 at 8:44pm
Yep after medaling in it and inflating the bubble to ridiculous levels Kevy really wants you onboard Sad

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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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