That link is to the blog of Matt Ridley. Of Matt Ridley,
Climate expertise unclearIt is unclear what expertise Mr. Ridley has developed that leaves him more qualified to assess climate science than 97% of actively publishing climate scientists.
2011 "skeptic bingo" denier speechA speech Ridley gave in 2011 was "a textbook Gish Gallop, full of false claims, logical fallacies, and trivially true but irrelevant “facts”. It was...“skeptic” bingo", reported the host of the blog The Way Things Break; he characterized Ridley as "a techno-optimist of the Lomborgian mold", and debunked a few of Ridley's claims[3], noting inconsistencies and errors like:
"Ridley wants us to know that the climate changed rapidly in the past- but yet we’re also supposed to believe that climate sensitivity is very small. He also flubs basic concepts- equilibrium sensitivity is not the same thing as transient sensitivity..."
AssociationsRidley sits on the advisory councils of the British lobby groups
Sense About Science and
He is also on the Academic Advisory Council of the denialist
Global Warming Policy Foundation[4]
Northern Rock bank failureThe failure of Northern Rock was the first run on a British Bank since 1878. Under his chairmanship, the bank pursued what the Treasury select committee later described as a "high-risk, reckless business strategy".[5] MPs identified the directors of Northern Rock as "the principal authors of the difficulties that the company has faced". They singled Ridley out for having failed "to provide against the risks that [Northern Rock] was taking and to act as an effective restraining force on the strategy of the executive members".
all of the necessary data, let alone analyse and interpret it, where the majority opinion lies is just about all there is.