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If Syrians Came By Boat? (Read 2887 times)
salad in
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Australian Politics

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Re: If Syrians Came By Boat?
Reply #30 - Aug 23rd, 2013 at 1:21pm
True Colours wrote on Aug 22nd, 2013 at 10:35pm:
Yeah - before the British invaded and carved the place up and caused chaos.


    An instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
    An incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.

Please inform us of the invasion you talk of.
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The ALP, the progressive party, the party of ideas, the workers' friend, is the only Australian political party to roast four young Australians in roof cavities. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
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Re: If Syrians Came By Boat?
Reply #31 - Aug 23rd, 2013 at 1:28pm

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salad in
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Re: If Syrians Came By Boat?
Reply #32 - Aug 23rd, 2013 at 1:29pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 10:22am:
What we do now is not live our lives according to unlikely hypothetical situations.

Yet we take people in based on hypotheticals. They claim oppression without any concrete proof. For instance, we had two Sri Lankan poofs claiming refugee status based on the fact they would face persecution by people in their village. What people? What are their names? What type of persecution? What efforts were made to avoid those who would persecute? Was the whole village engaged in persecution? ET phuking C. A claim for refugee status based on hypothetical assertions. No actual phuking proof. Unlikely hypothetical situations.
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The ALP, the progressive party, the party of ideas, the workers' friend, is the only Australian political party to roast four young Australians in roof cavities. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
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True Colours
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Re: If Syrians Came By Boat?
Reply #33 - Aug 23rd, 2013 at 5:48pm
salad in wrote on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 1:21pm:
True Colours wrote on Aug 22nd, 2013 at 10:35pm:
Yeah - before the British invaded and carved the place up and caused chaos.


    An instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
    An incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.

Please inform us of the invasion you talk of.

We could talk about the British invasion of UAE 1819-1971 (left a pliant dictatorship in place)

Kuwait 1899-1961 (left a pliant dictatorship in place)

Military operations in Saudi various between 1819 & 1918 (left a pliant dictatorship in place)

Bahrain 1860-1971 (left a pliant dictatorship in place)
Iraq 1915-58 & 2003-9

Jordan 1915-46 (left a pliant dictatorship in place)

Palestine 1915-48 (the British allowed Jews to invade, and left Jews in charge of most of the country)

Somalia 1888-1960 - (left a communist in charge of the army who became a dictator in 1969)

Egypt 1882-1954 & 1956-7 (the British left military dictator Gamal Nasser in charge)

Sudan 1882-1956 (British left military commanders in charge who would overthrow democratic government in 1969

Syria 1915-1920 (then they gave it to the French who put the Alawite cult in charge of the country)

Lebanon 1915-1920 (then they left it to the French who incited sectarianism, and installed a government that was based on sectarianism)
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« Last Edit: Aug 23rd, 2013 at 6:01pm by True Colours »  
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Re: If Syrians Came By Boat?
Reply #34 - Aug 23rd, 2013 at 6:02pm
True Colours wrote on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 5:48pm:
salad in wrote on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 1:21pm:
True Colours wrote on Aug 22nd, 2013 at 10:35pm:
Yeah - before the British invaded and carved the place up and caused chaos.


    An instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
    An incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.

Please inform us of the invasion you talk of.

We could talk about the British invasion of UAE 1819-1971

Kuwait 1899-1961

Military operations in Saudi various between 1819 & 1918

Bahrain 1860-1971

Iraq 1915-58 & 2003-9

Jordan 1915-46

Palestine 1915-48

Somalia 1888-1960

Egypt 1882-1952 & 1956-7

Sudan 1882-1956

Syria 1915-1920

Lebanon 1915-120

goodness me... INVASIONs you say??? how come you left out GERMANY 1939. -1945

now that was an invasion to behold.

looking at that list it doesnt look like they have done much good for themselves after all said and done does it???

looks like most if they are not in a civil war they are at war with eac h other... I personally have no recall of any of those invasions as B ritain wasnt anywhere near ready for a war with Germany...I am surprised they should have been armed to the teeth with that record.

I mean "invasions" its more than WAR isnt it?
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salad in
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Australian Politics

Posts: 5941
Re: If Syrians Came By Boat?
Reply #35 - Aug 23rd, 2013 at 6:45pm
True Colours wrote on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 5:48pm:
We could talk about the British invasion of UAE 1819-1971 (left a pliant dictatorship in place)

Kuwait 1899-1961 (left a pliant dictatorship in place)

Military operations in Saudi various between 1819 & 1918 (left a pliant dictatorship in place)

Bahrain 1860-1971 (left a pliant dictatorship in place)
Iraq 1915-58 & 2003-9

Jordan 1915-46 (left a pliant dictatorship in place)

Palestine 1915-48 (the British allowed Jews to invade, and left Jews in charge of most of the country)

Somalia 1888-1960 - (left a communist in charge of the army who became a dictator in 1969)

Egypt 1882-1954 & 1956-7 (the British left military dictator Gamal Nasser in charge)

Sudan 1882-1956 (British left military commanders in charge who would overthrow democratic government in 1969

Syria 1915-1920 (then they gave it to the French who put the Alawite cult in charge of the country)

Lebanon 1915-1920 (then they left it to the French who incited sectarianism, and installed a government that was based on sectarianism)

Sure. If we're going to hop in the time machine we could visit the time when aborigines left Africa to occupy what is now Australia. Was it a peaceful migration? Were any inhabitants killed? Michael Mansell holds the view that the inhabitants of Australia were driven south into Tasmania by the invading aborigines from Africa. Hardly a good position for aborigines to accuse others of invading.

DNA confirms Aboriginal Australian origins

Aboriginal Australians descend from the same lineage as the first modern humans to migrate from Africa, DNA analysis has confirmed.

SYDNEY: Australian Aborigines descend from the same lineage as the first modern humans to migrate from Africa, DNA analysis has confirmed. The find is a further blow to the idea that the evolution of indigenous Australians was marked by many migrations from Asia.

“We wanted to know whether the same ‘Out-of-Africa’ migration that was responsible for founding the gene pools of Eurasia was also the basis for Australia’s population… or were there several separate migrations?” said study co-author and evolutionary biologist Toomas Kivisild, of the University of Cambridge in England.

The Out-of-Africa theory argues that modern humans evolved in Africa 100,000 to 200,000 years ago and one group migrated out to the rest of the world between 50,000 and 70,000 years ago, replacing – and not mixing with – ancient homo populations already there.


Was it a peaceful migration or was it an invasion?
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The ALP, the progressive party, the party of ideas, the workers' friend, is the only Australian political party to roast four young Australians in roof cavities. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
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salad in
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Australian Politics

Posts: 5941
Re: If Syrians Came By Boat?
Reply #36 - Aug 24th, 2013 at 9:09am
____ wrote on Aug 22nd, 2013 at 5:35pm:
Would the olds also persecute them like they want to with others fleeing for their lives.

What about adultery as a means of gaining refugee status and protection? How many of those fleeing Syria are adulterers?

We now give asylum to adulterers

     AN adulterous Iraqi taxi driver has been awarded an Australian refugee visa after he convinced the Refugee Review Tribunal he would be hunted down by an infuriated husband who caught him in an tryst with his wife.

    The Shia refugee, who arrived by boat from Indonesia in December 2011, claimed the husband, an Iraqi soldier, chased him through city streets after uncovering the affair, repeatedly firing a handgun at him.

It is too inconvenient for the adulterer to move elsewhere in Iraq to hide from the angry husband, but it is not too inconvenient to force Australians to subsidise his relocation to Australia:

    Refugee Review Tribunal member Rosemary Mathlin found in December that although he did not fear harm for a convention reason - such as race or political opinion - she awarded “complementary protection” because it was “highly probable that if the applicant returns to Iraq he will be killed by the husband of his former lover”.

    Ms Mathlin said it would be unreasonable to expect the man, from Thi Qar province in Iraq’s south, to resettle elsewhere in Iraq, such as a Shia neighbourhood in Baghdad, even if the husband did not find him.

    “Without (tribal and family connections) he would face discrimination in relation to housing, employment and basic services, and . . . he may even face physical danger.”

Let's turn it into a comedy segment. Why not....after all the grounds for gaining refugee status have been turned into a burlesque. In Australia the best a person can hope for if he has problems with an angry husband is a phuking AVO. If you're from overseas and you have the same problem you get citizenship and welfare. You wonder why Australians are p!ssed off with this lunacy. Wonder no more.
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The ALP, the progressive party, the party of ideas, the workers' friend, is the only Australian political party to roast four young Australians in roof cavities. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
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