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Australian Politics
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Perth WA
longweekend58 wrote on Jan 6 th, 2016 at 3:32pm: perceptions_now wrote on Jan 6 th, 2016 at 10:07am: longweekend58 wrote on Jan 6 th, 2016 at 8:27am: perceptions_now wrote on Jan 5 th, 2016 at 9:47pm: longweekend58 wrote on Jan 5 th, 2016 at 4:24pm: poor old prozac_now. forever predicting doom gloom, recession and peak oil while being 100% wrong every single time.
must suck to be you. Well , well Longy/Maria, talk about being wrong! As I said, YOU obviously don't even take your own advice - Try Wiki, for a starter - Peak oil, an event based on M. King Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which it is expected to enter terminal decline.[1] Peak oil theory is based on the observed rise, peak, fall, and depletion of aggregate production rate in oil fields over time. It is often confused with oil depletion; however, peak oil is the point of maximum production, while depletion refers to a period of falling reserves and supply.
I think that means, YOU ARE WRONG, this time & pretty much every other time & on pretty much every topic!Finally, I note you still haven't answered to the basic query raised on the following thread - Well, because "you have no idea what's it's about", NOR do you have any idea what is happening currently, in Global Economics, nor do you have any idea WHY it's happening!Oh & on "Recession", you may not have noticed the GFC AND YOU WILL SOON SEE GFC2, which is likely to be "somewhat worse than the first! you have spent years (decades even) predicting the demise of the oil-based economy because we will 'run out of oil'. call it what you want, but you were dead wrong. you are just as wrong about everything else as well. It is indeed fortunate, for YOU, that you have YOUR BELIEFS, as REALITY SAYS YOU ARE WRONG, as does the very occasional bit of "so called proof" that you raise!
Btw, I researched & then wrote about the likely effects of Demographics & Peak Oil in late 2006. In writing about the likely effects, I said - 1) There would soon be a Global Recession, which there was, starting in 2007-2008. 2) The Price of Oil would initially rise significantly, due to the effects of Peak Oil, before going into steep Decline, due to a Global Demand Decline, before eventually rising again, as Oil Production would finally slow so much that it would catch up to & pass the Global Demand Decline. Shale Oil, as has been seen, WAS only a TEMPORARY aberration!!!Finally, I note you still haven't answered to the basic query raised on the following thread - Well, because "you have no idea what's it's about", NOR do you have any idea what is happening currently, in Global Economics, nor do you have any idea WHY it's happening! Oh & on "Recession", you may not have noticed the GFC AND YOU WILL SOON SEE GFC2, which is likely to be "somewhat worse than the first! Shale oil is a 'temporary abberration'? there would be very few experts agreeing with you on that. Oil is THE PRODUCT that the world economy drives on. solar cells and wind towers dont power ships, cars or planes. That is all done by oil and will be for a very very long time because of its extraordinary energy/kg feature. shale oil has turned USA and Canada from importers into EXPORTERS of oil. the southern ocean is beleived to contain more oil than the entire saude oil fieds and siberia even more. there is no shortage of oil. never was, never will be for several centuries. there are MASSIVE amounts of oil to be found. half the economists in the world were predicting the GFC you dope. get over it. you have been dead wrong on peak oil, so far wrong that your embarrassment would be total if not for your delusions. As usual Longy/Maria, I'm the one that's always Wrong & never Right, But my Predictions on the GFC & Oil Pricing come true & your Peak Oil "proof" actually verifies what I am saying. AND, I note you still haven't answered to the basic query raised on the following thread - Well, because "you have no idea what's it's about", NOR do you have any idea what is happening currently, in Global Economics, nor do you have any idea WHY it's happening! Shale Oil in the US is "Dead & Buried", forget it! With likely massive financial losses, from the recent Shale splurge, it will be a long time before Financial markets take on the Shale market again! As for shale oil turning the USA away from importing & into Exporting, You MAY be interested in the following article - After Years of Decline, U.S. Oil Imports Rise & Btw, very few Economists & even fewer Politicians predicted the GFC, YOU ARE WRONG YET AGAIN!STRANGE HOW YOUR BELIEFS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH REALITY!!!