muso wrote on Aug 28
th, 2013 at 8:54am:
What if there is no fossil fuel being burnt? It will happen one day.
Yeah one day but your talking hundreds if not thousands of year due to new discoveries.
Quote:It doesn't actually have to be totally zero CO2 emissions. As you know, the biosphere has a certain buffering capacity.
When fossil fuels where first discovered they where heralded as CHEAP energy for the masses not only the rich but the poor alike, that's you, me and everyone else on here.
Now why all of a sudden do bankers feel the need to make the whole humanity pay up for their use of fossil fuels.
I don't mind if they come up with other alternatives as long as they are as cheap as fossil fuels.
But taxing the air we breath to form a $2 trillion dollar carbon credit market really gets under my skin.
But the really stupid thing is when the market is up and running, they will try to keep it going strong, meaning manmade CO2 emission will go up not down.
And you support this scheme...???
Quote:You're talking 11 Gigatonnes right now. When we can reduce carbon emissions worldwide by about 60- 70%, it will start to have an effect.
It's not unfeasible by a long shot.
I don't believe manmade CO2 emissions are having the effect that the IPCC is telling us there having.
Nearly all the IPCC's hypothesis which are mainly based on computer circulation models have been wrong, how can you have faith in them after so many mistakes.
The IPCC is a political body run by the United Nations which in turn are run by the World Bank which in turn is run by......????