LIVE: 2013 Federal Election - Day 24
From our correspondents on the campaign trail
News Limited Network
August 28, 2013
THE coalition has found $31.6 billion of savings over the next four years to pay for its election promises.
The biggest saving will be reducing the public service by 12,000 people, saving $5.2 billion over the budget forward estimates. Discontinuing business compensation measures from abolishing the carbon tax will save $5.1 billion, while there are a number of savings from scrapping the minerals resource rent tax (MRRT).
Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey said the savings made up the "great bulk'' of those the coalition needed to find.
Kevin Rudd, meanwhile, had a slip of ther tongue about Syria, referring to the means of the attack which killed hundreds of families and injured thousands more as a "weapon of mass distraction'' before correcting himself.
Meanwhile, things have been sweet for Tony Abbott as he toured Hobart's Cadbury choclolate factory.
Tonight Mr Rudd and Mr Abbott will have a chance to argue about costings and temperament when they face off just hours after their treasurers also go head to head in a debate.
The pair will clash at a people's forum at the Rooty Hill RSL Club in Sydney tonight, hours after Mr Hockey and Treasurer Chris Bowen have a debate at the National Press Club in Canberra at noon.
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