# wrote on Aug 30
th, 2013 at 8:29am:
AGW is a scam based on the a lie.
It started of as global cooling then it changed to global warming, then it changed to climate change then it changed to green energy, what will it morph into next...???
In a nut shell,
Quote:IPCC & Computer Circulation models tell us,
1. The hot spot in the tropopause will create a runaway greenhouse effect.
2. Sea levels are rising uncontrollably
3. Glaciers & the Nth Pole are melting.
4. All manner of catastrophes will come from the Earth heating up a little, including more powerful cyclones, tornadoes, more mosquitos to spread disease, shell fish are doomed, all species are doomed etc etc.
5. CO2 is the sole reason why we have had warming in the last 100 years, mainly because of mans CO2 emssions.
It creates a hotspot in the tropopause which attracts more water & then more CO2 & then more water vapour etc etc until it uncontrollably creates a runaway greenhouse effect and destroys us all.
6. The science is settled.
Quote:Real world observations tell us
1. This hot spot cannot be detected in the tropopause thousands of weather balloons and satellite data confirm this.
2. Sea levels are rising but at a rate of about 2mm/year, which is nothing to be alarmed about, since we are coming out of a mini ice age its only natural that the Earth would heat up.
3. Glaciers & the arctic have been melting for the last 260 years that didn't just start melting from 1950 when mans CO2 emissions started to increase.
4. All part of the Earth's natural weather cycle, climate change is real its been happening since the Earth formed into a molten lava or rock and climate change will continue to the earth is no more.
Today at the present time we have some of the coolest temperatures the Earth has ever had and we have some of the lowest amounts of CO2 in our atmosphere, only one other time has CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere been so low.
5. CO2 concentrations follows temperature by a lag of about 800 years, temperature doesn't follow CO2 concentrations.
There is absolutely no correlation between CO2 and temperature, just look at the values from our history.
CO2 cannot cause a runaway greenhouse effect, otherwise it would have already done so when there was 20 times more CO2 in our atmosphere.
6. We have scientists who get payed to find global warming and we have scientists who just study global warming without any remuneration.
There are just as many prominent scientists opposing AGW as there are preaching it, of course the AGW religion will not acknowledge them or even debate them.
They prefer character assassination and calling for these independent scientists to be considered terrorist.
Seriously when you think about climate gate, the IPCC which is a political body with junk science most of it being based on computer circulation models instead of real world observations.
If indeed it was such a real threat then why place the fate of all humanity into the hands of wall street and the stock exchange.
Bankers are writing the laws of how carbon credits will be traded and this market is up and running its expected to be a $2 trillion dollar per annum market.
The United nations and the IPCC stand to make a lot of money from the various carbon taxes and ETS schemes around the world because of their junk science and policies.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that Anthropogenic Global Warming is the biggest scam ever presented to humanity.