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Australian Politics
Posts: 9
Youtube Video: Is not about Kevin right or wrong, he just want to ask a Christian personal question to someone.
Well Matt Prater Pastor is original LNP supporter, how do you know that? simply go facebook type Matt Prater, in his friend lists search "MP", there only Liberal members supporters he has, non of a Labor member you can find there, what is it wrong? Obviously long before he already the LNP supporter and representing them use this case to share to the believer, so they may believe that Rudd is wrong and shows that he cares about biblical teaching, and the followers of the church and the Christian watched on the TV camera will see him as a hero image that willing to stand up say something, make audience think he is a righteous man, but we don’t know what really behind his purpose, we must know who he support from the very beginning, seeking for his own interest, we can’t decide others life only people who decide it when they know the biblical truth, for God to judge not you and I to judge them, controlling over their life, however we can share, pray, support with love and mercy with unconditional love. Matthew 7:1-4 1Timothy1:5-11