muso wrote on Sep 7
th, 2013 at 10:20am:
Well that paper shows temperature and CO2 rising synchronously. No lead time. That's going back 20,000 years.
I said its visible to the naked eye, I didn't say that in on a scale of about 50000 years you will detect the 800 year lag.
Seriously champ you have to stop twisting things around to suit your argument.
Quote:Joanne Nova doesn't understand the term runaway Greenhouse Effect either. Nobody is claiming anything of the sort.
Ok she doesn't understand it and you do....????!!!!
Quote:Tell me, what is the step interval of the Vostok ice core data? How many years between datapoints? I know, but I want to see if you do.
Does it really matter whether I know the interval or not.
Even if I didn't know I could look it up..??
So what has this to do with the price of the fish..???