sir prince duke alevine wrote on Feb 14
th, 2014 at 3:12pm:
FriYAY wrote on Feb 14
th, 2014 at 2:58pm:
Bam wrote on Feb 14
th, 2014 at 2:52pm:
FriYAY wrote on Feb 14
th, 2014 at 2:49pm:
Bam wrote on Feb 14
th, 2014 at 2:46pm:
Bobby. wrote on Feb 14
th, 2014 at 2:13pm:
The Libbos just want to give the job to one of their mates.
They always fill all the plum jobs with Liberal party hacks whenever they get in.
And that’s not what the ALP did putting Bracks in the position?
Bracks isn't a hack. Quote:Ahhhhh the hypocrisy of some people is boundless.
You living in a glass house, bro?
Oh, sorry i missed that bit.
Perhaps he can go over and help them with their public transport ticketing system, build em a desalination plant and spend a few 100 million on a dust pipe.
I should add, some of the non-hack ideas might have been carried through by the woeful and unelected Brumby.
When Bracks built the desalination plant, EVERYONE wanted one. The libs were after one. Labor was after one. The electorate wanted one!
In my area I was probably the ONLY ONE arguing against it. And not because it was a desalination plant, but because they had to do it in one of the most picturesque places in Victoria. Bloody wankers.
But besides the point, I don't think it is right for an electorate to whinge about a price of something after the fact;
"Desalination must be a last resort, not a first resort"
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 11:00
Watershed Victoria is an environmental organisation dedicated to the campaign against the proposed desalination plant at Wonthaggi in Victoria, and for a sustainable water policy. Watershed's Chris Heislers spoke to Green Left Weekly's Katherine Bradstreet.
What lead to the formation of Watershed?
Watershed was formed in response to State and Federal Government's arrogant silencing (via Federal Court action) of Your Water Your Say, a community environment group that opposes the construction of the world's largest desalination plant on a wild and magnificent part of Victoria's coastline.
The disenchanted community needed a voice to raise wider community awareness of the fact that unequivocal international expert opinion is that desalination must be a last resort to water security, not a first resort.
Water recycling, rain water tanks, storm water collection and water efficiency improvements can deliver over three times the volume of water as the proposed desalination plant at a fraction the environmental, social and economic cost.
Watershed's education, media, political and direct action campaigns are intended to exert the political pressure to force the [Victorian Premier] Brumby Government to follow due diligence by replacing its reprehensible water plan with one that is responsible and sustainabl
IF YOU GOOGLE DISENCHANTMENT WITH DESALINATION... you will find more than plenty were against them...
have you seen the flooding in S.A. today... and more to come.its a funny old continent we choose to live on.. drought one day.. flood the next,.... its always been the same.