Libs need to look what Happened in Sydney's west ...... was poor candidate selection or over confidence the reason the real result while ok was not the wipe out the polls predicted.
It appears the national poll was spot on but the marginal polling was off the mark, in most states.
Regardless of that point, the Libs do need to examine if they contributed to such and no doubt Greenway was a big mistake.
I guess next election both parties will be more sceptical of marginal polling ( I did point out the inconsistency before the election). The marginal polling (if you added them all up) drew a much uglier picture than the national poll did and obviously one was wrong the very reason I was conservative in my seat win prediction.
Quote:So it may seem churlish after such a remarkable victory to quibble about the Liberal party's performance in western Sydney, where .
But in the failure of the NSW Liberals adequately to capitalise on Abbott's appeal to aspirational western Sydney voters, lie the same seeds of destruction that afflicted the Labor party, and eventually destroyed it.
The mood for change was there in Lindsay, Greenway, Chifley, McMahon, even in Blaxland and Werriwa, in the outer belt Labor heartland beyond Parramatta, home of the famous Howard battlers.
The real question is what went wrong (if anything) or what did they need to do better.
Quote:But only Lindsay fell to the Liberals, with a three percent swing to Fiona Scott, reportedly helped by Abbott's "sex appeal" comment.
Either its true or Abbott's comments were harmless (what I think)
From reading the rest of the article candidate selection is a definite area of improvement, this average performance might have drawn the attention of Barry O'Farrell.