John Smith wrote on Sep 14
th, 2013 at 9:54am:
RightSadFred wrote on Sep 14
th, 2013 at 9:43am:
John Smith
You keep banging on the CT had nothing to do with the ALP defeat, your either a moron or you despise democracy.
You choose.
Your displaying the height of ignorance to suggest the CT had nothing to do with the ALP defeat.
Did not notice the greens vote going down either ?
People based their votes on may issues ... the carbon tax, boat people, the economy, Gillard, Rudd, mining tax, PPS, the turmoil within the ALP, the surplus, the debt, pink batts, lies, mistrust, security ... for you to come out and pretend that everyone voted against labor because of the carbon tax just proves your head is stuck so far up your ar$e you can see your eardrums.
As for the Greens, I used to like the greens, I even voted for a greens once, never again .... and it's not because of the carbon tax.
John Smith
What were the issues in May ?
So why did people reject the greens ? I know the Carbon tax
You are a thick one it just takes you few years longer to get where the electorate got to.
Your the grub who has his head stuck up his ar$e, sure the ALP lost for many reasons, the big two are the Carbon Tax/Lie and the other was Border Security..... polling should these as the big reasons they were rejecting the ALP.
The ALP needs to walk away from it and find a new narrative.