freediver wrote on Jan 17
th, 2015 at 10:50am:
Do you think I am limiting cods' freedom of speech?
Do you think freedom of speech means she can compel me to publish whatever stupid tripe she spews?
Clearly, it doesn't matter at all what I think, it's your sandpit to do as you please in...
IF that happens to be hypocritical, lacking consistency and integrity what can anyone honestly do about it (apart from the obvious, not come here - that is the extent of one's freedom in your little sandbox son...)
Oh, and with your swear filter, YEP indeed to some degree you limit Cods Freedom of Speech, BUT to be honest, apart from in your mind (presently) this isn't actually even about Cods specifically - it is about "FREEDOM" - you know that as yet still undefined word...
Further, the inconsistency around YOUR rules in the place, yep that limits not only posters perceived freedom of speech, but also limits their sense of security...
That is on you matey totally and naught really to do with Cods to be fair.