Soren wrote on Feb 23
rd, 2015 at 3:27pm:
He didn't blame Muslims for wanting to go to the West and didn't fear Islam as long as it stayed away from the West ( a bit like Muslims want the West to stay away from 'Muslim lands' don't you think?). He didn't want it in Norway and he blamed politicians for allowing it in. It is a distinction that's worth observing if you don't want to descend to Hot Breath's or Brain's level.
And what is wrong my "level"?
Quote:It is a political decision to allow mass Muslim migration to the West. Stopping it, if it is to be stopped, also has to be a political decision.
Of course it does but if it is to occur, it has to be based on something other than your usual level of insane religious persecution and bigotry Soren!
Quote:But I think Brevik was a salvo in the Enoch Powell 'rivers of blood' scenario. In a way his over the top action ensured that it will not be repeated in a hurry but rather the political path will be pursued with greater determination. The Charlie Hebdo massacre, the Copenhagen shooting and of course the whole ISIL savagery also strengthen the political will. There will be more attacks on the West, urged by ISIL and other Islamist outfits and the time will come when the political push will be too great to resist. The Danish tightening of immigration controls was an early step, Australia's tightening of visa and citizenship rules is another tentative step. Movements in the UK, Germany, Denmark, France and elsewhere are all gathering support with every news of another Islamist atrocity. But there will be no more Breviks.
Hopefully not but I suspect you're wrong Soren as you're a prime piece of beef to represent one!