polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 5
th, 2014 at 12:51pm:
In the spirit of mindless necroposting purely the sake of petty point scoring...
check out these spineless aplogetics:
freediver wrote on Apr 25
th, 2007 at 4:01pm:
The more violent aspects of Islam have only emerged relatively recently.
freediver wrote on Apr 27
th, 2007 at 7:14pm:
You didn't expect it to be easy did you? You can't expect people to join you in your muslim bashing after one or two scare stories. People get tired of getting worked up over each new 'threat' to our society, especially if it is another minority group who are 'all the same'.
freediver wrote on Apr 27
th, 2007 at 7:14pm:
You do have a tendency to tar all muslims with the same brush.
freediver wrote on Mar 28
th, 2007 at 3:04am:
And no... it's not an Australian cultural trait to 'rape.'
Neither is it a Muslim thing.
and my personal favourite...
freediver wrote on Mar 21
st, 2007 at 5:56pm:
What we need to do is stop alienating the entire muslim community and work with them towards the goals we have in common. The more we tar them all with the same brush, the more we push weaker individuals towards extremism.
FD, in light of your own sage advise, do you believe that your antics during the last couple of years is the sort of behaviour that "pushes weaker individuals towards extremism"?
Not really. I try to be very targetted in my criticism. Thanks for digging this up though. Muslims often argue that I have pre-concieved ideas about Islam that will not change no matter what. The truth is I approached this from the mindset of people like Karnal and Brian Ross. However I do concede that the risk is there, I just don't think that the risk of violence from Muslims is a good reason for self-censorship about Islam. I think rewarding violence or the threat of violence with self censorship will do far more to encourage it.
Two things have changed since I made those posts. One is that we have had Muslims participating in the discussions (I think those comments predate Malik), that has 'sorted the wheat from the chaff', in terms of the criticisms people make about Islam. Two is that I have found out from Muslims what Islam is about.
Quote:What I can't shake though is the feeling that the FD who wrote these things 7 years ago would label the FD who writes what he writes today as bigoted, narrow minded
Have I ever used those terms?
Quote:What makes FD right then? What makes FD right now?
Is time our only measure of justice?
The FD of today would have interrogated the FD OF 2007. He would have created threads with his mealy-mouthed words. He would persue him relentlessly. He would never let him off the hook.
The FD of 2007 would have twisted, squirmed and contorted himself into all sorts of spineless shapes. He would have begged to be impaled by the Muselman. Oh!
Will the real FD please stand up.
Have I pursued you? Have I pursued Brian Ross? A little bit. You have conceded, as a result of these discussions (I don't take the credit myself), that there are significant problems with Islam, and you tend to see the same problems that I do.