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NBN progress? (Read 126553 times)
Fit of Absent Mindeness
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1875 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:17am
RabbitO8 wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:24am:
I've posted text from Mals website that says it will cost $29.5Bn from the taxpayer. How is that wrong?

I've posted an image that says it's going to cost 41 billion - how am I wrong.

The same image has ftth as 56 billion - how is that wrong?

These are also from the communication ministers own website.
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St George of the Garden
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1876 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:41am
It is hilarious! I get accused of peddling Labor propaganda—and I have not—and rabbitfood posts from Turncoat’s website!  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

That Strategic Review shows the peak finance requirement for Malcolm’s Terrible Muddle is $41Bn! It also shows peak funding for FTTH is $73Bn. However, reading the first set of Hansard extracts that I posted here shows JB Rousselot admitting under questioning that the $73Bn figure is a number he pulled out of thin air.

This $41Bn
Nor does it include the cost of buying the HFC.

The 2016 deadline for “25mbps” for all is gone—negotiations with Telstra have hardly started—“up to” 25mbps maybe in place for some by 2019.

Every time I look at the Strategic Review I have to laugh. All this talk of 25mbps minimum, of 50:20 over the copper is pure fantasy. The only way to get 50:20 over copper is to rip out all the copper, enlarge the pits and ducts and rerun (what a waste, rerunning obsolescent copper!)
at least 2 but better 4pairs of .6mm copper
wire to every premises (more for business of course.) The present copper is not just rotten, it is
too thin at .3 and .42mm
too high an impedance to run more than something up to 25mbps.

Rerunning significant amounts of copper, especially the thicker wire and 4 pairs per premises

My costings start with the $41Bn the Strategic Review states for Malcolm’s Terrible Muddle.

Then the copper and HFC have to be bought from Tel$tra and Optus. I costed this at $30Bn. It will be expensive to buy the copper, my $30Bn figure is a guess but with Thodey extolling the virtues of the copper I bet the final figure will be close to that. They are not going to let it go for a song.

Having (tho I doubt they will) bought the copper it has to be audited. The wiring database is hopelessly out of date, technicians just too rushed to do a proper job of maintenance or updating the database. The state of the copper must also be audited—even Malcolm talks glibly of remediating the copper. This is code for rerunning copper. I put $10Bn for each audit—checking the whole network will take time, techs sending signals down each pair. Where there is pair gain, a “working” line created by taking one line from two broken pairs then we don’t have a “twisted pair” and so cannot be used for ADSL1 let alone anything faster and so copper has to be rerun.

I put ?? for the cost of remediating the copper—until the results of the two audits are in it takes a brave man to write down a figure. Copper costs more than fibre so rerunning copper is lunacy, the more so as to get anything above “up to 25mbps” will need rerunning with .6mm copper and that means pits and pipes need to be enlarged. Just lunacy to contemplate and I don’t think anyone involved, Turncoat, the simian, the NBN Co board and management has any intention to rerun copper.

You are being lied to! WAKE UP!
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« Last Edit: Apr 29th, 2014 at 11:05am by St George of the Garden »  

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St George of the Garden
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1877 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 10:43am
RabbitO8 wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:24am:
I've posted text from Mals website that says it will cost $29.5Bn from the taxpayer. How is that wrong?

Mal posts propaganda.

Check the date where he posts that rubbish—if it before Dec 2013 then the figure is out of date.

I think Mal put the figure down to fool idiots into voting for the coalition—as even fanbois here are finding out, voting for the simian and shambles is like turkeys voting for christmass.
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St George of the Garden
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1878 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 11:06am

Just reposting the image of part of the table from the Strategic (read: Political) Review.

Note it states running out the fibre will take until 2024, two points:

1. If it takes to 2024 to complete running out FTTH why not show the revenue to 2024? Why stop at 2021? Could it be because revenue for FTTH would far outpace revenue from Malcolm’s Terrible Muddle?

2. The Hansard of the first Estimates Committee I posted here shows JB Rousselot admitting he slowed the rollout down for no real reason. So 2024 to complete is incorrect, a lie. The rollout was ramping up until Rousselot deliberately and for political reasons slowed it down.

The $73Bn figure is not to be believed. The cost of the two rollouts are pretty similar, with higher revenues from FTTH because of all the additional services, like streaming TV, imposible over Tel$tra copper, will be charged for. The higher maintenance and power costs for FTTN will see FTTH being cheaper and returning higher revenues, much better value for the taxpayer.

FTTN only works where it is the incumbent telco which has maintained its .6mm copper really well and puts in plenty of nodes that rolls it out.

Malcolm’s Terrible Muddle involves buying thin copper that has majorly corroded in parts, that has significant numbers of premises without even one sound twisted pair and a wiring database years out of date. It will be a schemozzle of gigantic proportions were he to go ahead with it.
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« Last Edit: Apr 29th, 2014 at 11:17am by St George of the Garden »  

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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1879 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 4:59pm
Fit of Absent Mindeness wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 8:40am:
This is from the same communications minister:

It's 41 billion - how can you not get that?

The above image is from the communication ministers own website.

You've just been proven as the troll/liar I knew you were.

Your either deaf, dumb, stupid or more likely all 3.

I note while one side has $41billion the other has $73billion.  apples an apples right.
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St George of the Garden
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1880 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 5:09pm
But Malcom’s Terrible Muddle has a figure of $41Bn attached and that figure does NOT include the cost of acquiring the copper CAN and the HFC crap. That cost will be at least $30Bn, I think $30Bn for the copper alone.

Do you agree or do you have an estimate for that figure?
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St George of the Garden
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1881 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 5:12pm
Grendel wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 4:59pm:
Fit of Absent Mindeness wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 8:40am:
This is from the same communications minister:

It's 41 billion - how can you not get that?

The above image is from the communication ministers own website.

You've just been proven as the troll/liar I knew you were.

Your either deaf, dumb, stupid or more likely all 3.

I note while one side has $41billion the other has $73billion.  apples an apples right.

If you would demean yourself to reading the first lot of Hansard extracts I posted you will see JB Rousselot admitted to making that figure up. He also admitted to slowing the rollout to push back the finalisation date by 3 years.

So we will assume $41Bn for MTM and $43Bn for the real NBN.

Then the cost of the copper and HFC. Got a figure, roach? I reckon $30Bn and am confident the final figure will be at least 90% of that.
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I want Muso as GMod. Bring back Muso!
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1882 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 6:07pm
apples and apples Monkey Boy that is what counts.
I note you've not read a word of the many posts I have submitted.  just hid under a rock for a while.  like you do when you are asked to apologise.
So where is it Monk?
Like when I ask for a simple answer to a simple IT tech question...  come on you've had a month to google it now.  Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy
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St George of the Garden
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1883 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 6:10pm
What do you think it will cost for NBN Co to buy the copper and HFC networks?

$30Bn looks well in the ballpark, especially when considering the two networks, not? Mr Thodey seems to be talking up the value of the copper, not?

That will make it $71Bn for Malcolm’s Terrible Muddle v $43Bn for the FTTH NBN.
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1884 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:11pm
If a picture says a thousand words....
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NBN_1.jpg (26 KB | 28 )

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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1885 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:26pm
I'd post a picture of you, Catweasel, but no one like to see gay male porn.
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Fit of Absent Mindeness
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1886 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:32pm
RabbitO8 wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:26pm:
I'd post a picture of you, Catweasel, but no one like to see gay male porn.

Except for you (and me, but then I have a husband and unlike you and your "mate" am open about my relationships).

Your not gay - but your boyfriend is?

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Putting the n in cuts
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1887 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:35pm
You can AIDs it up all you like hepatitisboy. Just make sure ou brush your teeth after picking your boyfriends last meal out of your teeth, poof.
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Fit of Absent Mindeness
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1888 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:45pm
RabbitO8 wrote on Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:35pm:
You can AIDs it up all you like hepatitisboy. Just make sure ou brush your teeth after picking your boyfriends last meal out of your teeth, poof.

I notice that whenever you've lost an argument you continually resort to childish name calling and will not discuss why you were wrong.

On the nbn, the figures you are using are out of date and woefully wrong.

As for calling a gay person a poof - that's like saying the sky is blue.

It must be so sad to be unable to satisfy a women or even get one to talk to you - hitting them over the head and dragging them back to your cave went out of style years ago.
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Putting the n in cuts
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Re: NBN progress?
Reply #1889 - Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:50pm
When I care about what a poo puncher thinks, I'll let you know.

PS- you don't have a husband. Fags can't marry.
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