the twelve labours of Hercules from Greek mythology, the issues identified in the report are many and complex. Here they are:
The delivery of a new Statement of Expectations (SoE). The SoE outlines the new government’s overall strategy and an updated SoE was delivered by Malcolm Turnbull to NBN Co in late September (click here to read it).
The development of NBN Co's FTTN architecture and FTTN product suite. The NBN will offer a range of wholesale broadband services to retail service providers (RSPs), but these are limited by technical considerations and are likely to be different than those under the current FTTP rollout. NBN Co advised that these limits will restrict the range of products and services that can be offered over the network, which will in turn affect an FttN's revenue potential and future product strategy.
The renegotiation, shareholder approval and ACCC approval of the $11 billion Telstra Definitive Agreement. The current $11b agreement, negotiated over two years between the Labor government and Telstra, only allows NBN Co to run its own fibre through Telstra’s underground network ducts; it does not provide access to the network itself.
Turnbull’s FttN plan relies on this access, and he has previously indicated he expects Telstra will give the government access to the network for free. However, Telstra has recently been talking up the value of the copper network and is unlikely to hand it over for free. While CEO David Thodey has called for a quick renegotiation with the government, the real length of time it will take is still anybody's guess – particularly since the deal is already the subject of legal action by Telstra.
Gaining exemptions from regulatory requirements that could prevent a rollout by NBN Co using Telstra's copper sub-loop. Effecting any substantive legislative change in this area is likely to be difficult for the new government until the new Parliament sits in mid 2014.
Gaining access to the copper network, with time factored into the build for the "significant amount of network remediation that is expected to be required" as the network is rolled out. Telstra CEO David Thodey has argued that the company's network will last another 100 years, but outside observers have said parts are "dilapidated". The leaked NBN Co report makes it clear that the full extent of remediation is still unknown.
Successful deployment of a VDSL2 trial, which will be "important" to finalise the wholesale product to be offered to retail service providers; clarifying the responsibilities for in-house wiring and CPE installations; finalising any requirements for the VDSL2 node equipment to be rolled out by NBN Co; and developing migration procedures. NBN Co CTO Gary McLaren recently said early trials of the technology had been a success, while Turnbull has feted the trial as an example of things to come.
Powering the FttN nodes, including negotiations with power companies to provide power to node sites. Such works are typically unremarkable everyday undertakings when related to the deployment of new street lights and intersection lights, but present a different challenge altogether at the scale of the Coalition's NBN policy.
The need for Council planning and approval requirements. Switkowski admitted on Friday that the full requirement for council approval for the installation of FttN nodes across Australia's streets is still unknown. The patchwork of approval processes could be a nightmare for NBN Co to navigate: even though it has a high success rate in getting approvals for wireless towers in rural areas, council approvals for work in high-density areas are notoriously unpredictable and there are likely to be protests from citizens.
Completion of procurement processes for any new suppliers, and renegotiation of existing supplier arrangements. Turnbull has previously said the former government's tender process had resulted in prices so low that it was sending contractors broke, and the high-profile pullout of NBN contractor Syntheo is likely to cause jitters amongst potential FttN bidders.
"Significant work involved" in the redevelopment of IT capabilities to support delivery of services over the copper network. NBN Co warned the government that the need to redevelop IT systems to support FttN's new product suite posed a "high risk" to the rollout. The current OSS/BSS tender was awarded to IBM in early 2011 at a cost of $200 million over a term of three years.
Time required to re-skill the existing workforce and source new employees necessary to deploy VDSL2 architectures "at volume". This includes redirection of existing FTTP contracts and retraining of existing employees. Availability of skilled employees – and getting enough of them into the field at adequate rates – has been a significant issue for the rollout and will continue to temper any rollout plan by the new government.
Reconsideration of the Special Access Undertaking (SAU) and Wholesale Broadband Agreement (WBA). The process of approving the SAU – the document that outlines NBN Co's pricing strategy through 2040 – has dragged on for years, with the ACCC most recently issuing instructions to NBN Co of additional changes it needs to make to approach regulatory approval.
Buckleys and none!