muso wrote on Sep 22
nd, 2013 at 7:04am:
BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on Sep 22
nd, 2013 at 6:45am:
Lol, is muso calling me a troll? Hey muso- I'm saving the planet mate not pretending I'm above it all like Ajax!!
People like me call these blokes out and only a true fascist would take the side with the most vested interests!
Go the stock market yehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Climate Change is a consumption problem. It's a waste problem. The fat has to be trimmed and that means vacuous tools on the net should, once in awhile, get served a head full of bourbon and coke induced manic laughter!
It's much more than a waste problem. Even if we cut back the waste, we'd still have a problem. If we smoke crack, live in caves and sing kumbaya like 21st century hippies, we'll all go broke.
I've seen what happens to a country when it goes broke. Do you think they worry about luxuries like waste minimisation or biodiversity in such countries? They do not. Anything that moves is eaten, waste oil is dumped. They have government environmental departments that do nothing. They don't have the resources. The country needs to be able to bring in renewable energy projects. This costs money.
Death, This is a serious issue. Some people are probably beyond reason, but for others reading this, your personal snipes about crack smoking don't help the case one bit.
If you want to help save the planet, don't spam with personal attacks. I know that you mean well, but if you continue with this, I will suspend you.
We simply have to stop putting the brakes on innovation: coal fired power is basically your steam engine from back yonder pulling,... guess what===> coal,...out from under the ground at a faster rate than could be achieved otherwise. THIS IS THE SITUATION FROM WHERE THE PHENOMENON KNOWN AS JEVONS PARADOX GOT ITS NAME!!
The brakes on technology have been pulled by the fascist regulated market pwned by globalists such as Murdoch and his confused brethren of planet accountant agents smiths! Middle men love waste... that is why it continues!
Does ' an economy' really mean 'economy'?? No, it can't: just like 'representative democracy' can't mean 'democracy'!
People make economies and this means middle men must be afforded opportunity to call themselves entrepreneurs; hence waste; hence 19th century elephants in the room!!
You, dear muso, have given the wrong definition of waste: think along the lines of that age old year 11 concept of 'opportunity cost'. The only trick the greedy have is to send others on a wild goose chase and to make use of that time afforded to them by the sending of the foe on said wild goose chase... The costs of Government Intervention in the free market are massive.. but so are the costs of not regulating them properly: GROUPTHINK BREEDS MANY PROBLEMS AND TO THINK THIS COUNTRY OR INDEED THE WORLD WILL FIND THE NECESSARY INSPIRATION TO INNOVATE VIA MURDOCHS WORLD VIEW BEING RAMMED DOWN THEIR THROAT IS SIMPLY WACKED OUT BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION.