muso wrote on Sep 20
th, 2013 at 8:00pm:
You're not allowed to use IPCC data. Aren't they supposed to be the devil incarnate? You know, the global conspiracy? Christopher Monckton would be crossing himself by now.
It's quite fortunate that many studies have been done since 1990, but you really like that unrepresentative regional Northern Hemisphere study, don't you? Maybe we should all go back to 25 year old data and ignore all the research that has occurred since then.
Muso its no surprise to me that like chimp you're a confused individual when you put your faith in Mann & Co. and their shabby hockey stick models.
The medieval warm period and the mini ice age are facts that form part of our weather history.
Choosing to ignore such simple historical data just because Mann & Co. produced some hockey stick models is a sad reflection on your ignorance and maybe even your arrogance.
Especially when Mann & Co. will not give these methods they used to produce the hockey stick diagram over to the scientific community for assessment.
To me that just shows how fraudulent their work is.....!!!!!
You can go on believing Cinderella stories if you wish, but it is sad that people like your self who claim to be educated can have the wool pulled over their eyes so easily.