Crystal clear = clear as mud!
imagesWith just over 2 weeks since the election, and 4 full days since the government was sworn in, we are starting to see what an Abbott government stands for, and increasingly people are less than happy with what they see. :shock:
As I mentioned in my previous post, one of the key slogans of the last weeks of the campaign was “Crystal clear”, stated by Abbott ad-infinitum.
Another of his favourite slogans was “From day one”, but what he was less than “crystal clear” about was that “day one” started at least eleven days after the election. :shock:
Now as far back as I can remember, an incoming government pretty much hit the ground running , and with a “Crisis” on our borders, and a “Budget emergency” threatening to destroy the world as we know it, according to Abbott, Hockey and the rest of the LNP spin machine, we could be forgiven for thinking that “Day one”, actually meant “Day one”.images
But no, according to Abbott, day one was actually day eleven, and instead of hitting the ground running on the real day one, he didn’t hit the ground running, but rather jumped on the pushy, and went for a ride… Maybe he thought that it would be quicker than running?
He then went to some photo ops with the heads of departments, and then hid from the media until day nine when he did his first presser, at which point he announced that he would ignore around half of the voting public by having only one woman (?) in cabinet.
Then to add insult to injury, he said he was “disappointed” that he did not have more women in the cabinet, even though he was the one that chose it… WTF?
Shortly thereafter, the sackings, mergers and closures started.
How dare you do what we do?
They stated with a directive from that “Token Woman” and doyen of fairness and class (Sarcasm alert), Julie Medusa Bishop, who immediately revoked the Appointment of Steve Bracks to the position of New York’s Consul General, for the totally altruistic reason that he was a Labor appointee. :shock:
Now many of these closures were not unexpected, although the sacking of senior public servants, and the closure of the Climate Commission has received some condemnatory and puzzled responses from both at home and around the world, as people look on in disbelief, at what is seen as, at the least, ill-considered decisions.
So what we have, is a government that
- 1 Hit the ground… and stayed there for nine days?
- 2 Announced a cabinet of 19 ministers, with only 1 woman, which equates to approximately 5% representation for around 50% of the population? And then stated that he was disappointed that there were not more women in cabinet? WTF?
- 3 Employed a 3 star general to oversee a non-military operation, that is now called a “military” operation to secure our borders from invasion by leaky fishing boats filled with scared and hungry men, women and children? :shock:
- 4 Has major parts of its “Operation Sovereign Borders”, dismissed by the Indonesian government, using language like; offensive, could possibly damage relations, etc etc?
- 5 Has shown the true meaning of their slogans:
- Day 1 = day 11 = day 1? WTF?
- Abbott “Gets Women” = Abbott gets women… to do his menial and dirty work, but he doesn’t “get” anything like equal representation?
- There are some talented women knocking on the door of cabinet = There’s no women in the LNP as smart or talented as… Barnaby Joyce?
- Stop the boats = Stop the information?
- Stop the waste = Sack the experts so that they don’t have to hear inconvenient truths?
- Direct Action Plan = Climate Change is crap, and it’s more important to make some wealthy people richer than to provide a future for our kids?
- Infrastructure PM = PM who ignores the required infrastructure of the 21st century, and concentrates on just roads?
- Cut the tax = Try to bully the ALP, minor parties and independents into scrapping a price on carbon, which is working, and when most of the world are moving towards a similar scheme, and a fair % of people voted to keep it.
- Fix the Budget emergency = er.. what budget emergency?
- Reduce the Debt = We might go for a bit more debt, so as to add more stimulus (Probably for the rich)?
- Live within our means = Pay “Women of Calibre” $75,000 to have kids, while the poor and underprivileged still have to live beyond their means if they want to have children?
- Justice doesn’t need to be done, it just needs to be be seen to be done = George Brandis’s philosophy! WTF?
Crystal clear = clear as mud!