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How much CO2 is from manmade sources..???? (Read 2506 times)
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Re: How much CO2 is from manmade sources..????
Reply #15 - Sep 26th, 2013 at 2:41pm
Phemanderac wrote on Sep 26th, 2013 at 2:35pm:
Chimp_Logic wrote on Sep 25th, 2013 at 4:04pm:
you do realise that a relatively simple mass balance with respect to CO2 in the atmosphere or oceans (or both) can be carried out ? (and has been)

to suggest that CO2 released by the combustion of fossil fuels merely lingers in the atmosphere for 5 years and then mysteriously vanishes is rather silly don't you think?

we also know that CO2 interacts both biologically and chemically with the earths various systems

Hi Chimp. I wanted to ask about your flow rate formula. Basically the last bit indicates the flow rate out of the system and I always thought we lived in a closed system, hence the problem with ongoing polution of the environment we need to sustain us. Hell if it makes things warmer, cooler, windier or wetter matters little in the long run, providing that environment is still able to sustain us. To my mind that is the real issue and not the stupidly derailed to the point of ludicrous climate change debate.

So, do we or don't we live in a closed system?

Following this line of enquiry will bear you much fruit!  Wink Wink
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Re: How much CO2 is from manmade sources..????
Reply #16 - Oct 9th, 2013 at 10:12am
BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on Sep 26th, 2013 at 2:38pm:
[color=#0000ff]Water vapour is part of the hydrological cycle whereas CO2 is being injected into the system!

OOHHhhh yeah so what happens when the oceans heat up...?????

Are you trying to say that manmade CO2 emissions are the only CO2 emissions............????
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Re: How much CO2 is from manmade sources..????
Reply #17 - Oct 14th, 2013 at 4:42am
We know roughly how much CO2 we are emitting into the atmosphere. Given the amount of CO2 that we are emitting into the atmosphere, atmospheric CO2 should be increasing at a much faster rate than it is. The only rational conclusion is that nature is a net sink. That means we humans are in fact responsible for 100% of the increase in atmospheric CO2 that we are currently observing.
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Re: How much CO2 is from manmade sources..????
Reply #18 - Oct 14th, 2013 at 6:33am
MOTR wrote on Oct 14th, 2013 at 4:42am:
We know roughly how much CO2 we are emitting into the atmosphere. Given the amount of CO2 that we are emitting into the atmosphere, atmospheric CO2 should be increasing at a much faster rate than it is. The only rational conclusion is that nature is a net sink. That means we humans are in fact responsible for 100% of the increase in atmospheric CO2 that we are currently observing.

Don't ya hate it when the observations don't support the theory and its necessary to fabricate more bs to substantiate your failings. Your model is broken. Stop sucking the tax payers dollars to sustain a nonsense.

Go away and come back when you can demonstrate you are scientists not activists.
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Re: How much CO2 is from manmade sources..????
Reply #19 - Oct 14th, 2013 at 7:16am
MOTR wrote on Oct 14th, 2013 at 4:42am:
We know roughly how much CO2 we are emitting into the atmosphere. 

More of those precise "scientific" terms from the alarmist camp.

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Re: How much CO2 is from manmade sources..????
Reply #20 - Oct 14th, 2013 at 8:59am
Fig. 15. Correlation coefficients between DIFF12 change in release of anthropogene CO2 (CDIAC) and global atmospheric CO2, for different lags of atmospheric CO2 in relation to CO2 from fossil fuel. Numbers in parentheses show the maximum positive correlation coefficient and the associated time lag of CO2 in months. The grey vertical arrows indicate no lag (the time of release).

The maximum positive correlation between ocean temperatures and atmospheric CO2 is within a range from 0.45 to 0.48, depending on which dataset is considered (HadSST2, NCDC or UAH).

With a sample size of 361 (number of monthly DIFF12 values) these correlation coefficients are highly significant at the 0.05 level, and correspond to a goodness-of-fit (r2) ranging from 0.20 to 0.23.

This represents a fair degree of explanation, and far bigger than achieved by any other factor considered in the present analysis, but it also suggests that there are other factors beyond ocean surface temperature which have influenced observed changes in atmospheric CO2 since January 1980.

Examples of such potential factors are changes in soil moisture, living biomass, volcanic eruptions, geological weathering processes, burning of fossil fuels, etc.

The correlation between CO2 released by anthropogene sources and changes in atmospheric CO2 is not stable (Fig. 15), and not able to explain much of the observed increase in atmospheric CO2 since January 1980.

A qualitatively identical conclusion may possibly be suggested for the effect of volcanic eruptions during the study period, but the character of the volcanic data available does not make it possible to carry out a comparable statistical analysis on this.

Actually, on the time scale investigated, the net effect of a major volcanic eruption appears to be a reduction of the prevailing increase rate of atmospheric CO2, probably an effect of ocean cooling induced from cloud effects.
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Re: How much CO2 is from manmade sources..????
Reply #21 - Oct 14th, 2013 at 8:41pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 14th, 2013 at 7:16am:
More of those precise "scientific" terms from the alarmist camp.

So link to where you've been able to substantiate one of your assertions.
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