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Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change (Read 19726 times)
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #165 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 4:55pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 11:07am:
Of course.

They have feet in both camps. Why thing for profit and power.

I think you'll find that they are the ones pushing for a tax on the air we breath, more than anyone else.

They also own the oil companies, i'm sure you have seen big oil has also jumped on board and are asking for a carbon tax / ETS ASAP.

They also see the upcoming transition to renewables and sustainability. It's already happening. The big capital works projects will be in this area.

I must say they're trying very hard to be first in....!!!!

When you live in a fascist Corpocracy, that's how things are done.

Its only because people have been conditioned to think this is the norm....??????

So mr Ajax, we have a situation whereby the fossil fuel corporations are doing their usual lobbying, and public spin to prolong their industry.

Don't agree with you here, they are actually on your side, now matter what you say they are right behind carbon taxes and ETS systems.

Show me a recent newspaper article where big oil is against these new taxes on CO2.

Wars work well too. Haven't you notice how rich Exxon became just from the illegal Iraq invasion?

Yes I have, not to mention Kellogs Brown & Root, Rumsfeld's little baby.

Behind the scenes they are positioning themselves for the future growth economies.

Exxon for example is one of the worlds biggest investors into bio diesel and algae oil

Yeah they're raping the third world while they can...??

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1. There has never been a more serious assault on our standard of living than Anthropogenic Global Warming..Ajax
2. "One hour of freedom is worth more than 40 years of slavery &  prison" Regas Feraeos
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #166 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 5:31pm
Ajax wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 7:16am:
Hey chimp & EP

How is it that you recognise one form of corporate snake oil but fail to recognise another, namely the AGW religion.

The very same people that drive corporatism all over the world are the same that drive the AGW religion....!!!!!!

Really puzzles me how you recognise one but not the other.

Here are some things to consider.................?????

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies…If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency…the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered..
Thomas Jefferson

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
- Henry Ford

"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."
- Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference in Evians, France, 1991

Ajax, you come straight from the global warming denial pages and cut and paste all their pseudo science here knowing that these are blogs set up by the international fossil fuel industry for their own self interests and then you question why we believe in real scientists doing real science who according to you have some sinister thing happening with big business to charge us all tax ... to what end? Who the Fux knows?  Your either the stupidest person on this forum or just a liar here on a mission (with a few of your other friends) to do the bidding of the international fossil fuel industry.  After all you do make a lot of use of their material in your cut and paste rants.
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #167 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 5:47pm
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 5:31pm:
Ajax, you come straight from the global warming denial pages and cut and paste all their pseudo science here knowing that these are blogs set up by the international fossil fuel industry for their own self interests and then you question why we believe in real scientists doing real science who according to you have some sinister thing happening with big business to charge us all tax ... to what end? Who the Fux knows?  Your either the stupidest person on this forum or just a liar here on a mission (with a few of your other friends) to do the bidding of the international fossil fuel industry.  After all you do make a lot of use of their material in your cut and paste rants.

Hey clown

The fossil fuel industry is on your warmist arse side.

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1. There has never been a more serious assault on our standard of living than Anthropogenic Global Warming..Ajax
2. "One hour of freedom is worth more than 40 years of slavery &  prison" Regas Feraeos
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #168 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 6:07pm
Ajax wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 5:47pm:
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 5:31pm:
Ajax, you come straight from the global warming denial pages and cut and paste all their pseudo science here knowing that these are blogs set up by the international fossil fuel industry for their own self interests and then you question why we believe in real scientists doing real science who according to you have some sinister thing happening with big business to charge us all tax ... to what end? Who the Fux knows?  Your either the stupidest person on this forum or just a liar here on a mission (with a few of your other friends) to do the bidding of the international fossil fuel industry.  After all you do make a lot of use of their material in your cut and paste rants.

Hey clown

The fossil fuel industry is on your warmist arse side.

Oh whats wrong Ajax, is this stupid unimaginative response the best you can do? What happened? Nothing on your bosses global warming deniers page you could cut and paste and had to do some thinking of your own. P!ss off you and your NIPCC propaganda brought to us and paid for by your bosses, the heartland institute, you immoral piece of S$!t.
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #169 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 6:26pm
If Ajax has the courage to come back he might do a response to the following which I posted a while ago but he did not have the courage to reply to

" Sure the IPCC could be wrong but frankly anyone who would be convinced by your unqualified nonsensical rants over the word of climate scientists would have to be a complete fool.  It would be like accepting the view of a first aid assistant over a surgeon on whether to perform brain surgery. And for you to think that you can second guess the climate scientists shows a decided lack of basic judgment and total lack of any adult sense of responsibility.  In view of what's at stake even if I, the first aid assistant, had misgivings about the surgeons advice I would never try and convince the patient to ignore it because I'm a 1000 times more likely to be wrong then he is. Grow up. Have a rethink about this subject because your putting a lot of lives in jeopardy on a call your not qualified to make."

Again I suspect there was nothing on the "Ready Replies" Climate Change Deniers bloggers page that Ajax could cut and paste from so he just ignored the post.   But you got to ask yourself, how honest can a person be who has no real climate science expertise and yet insists that his judgment on the possibility of global warming is superior to the judgment of an overwhelming majority of the worlds best climate scientists.   The guy's either a monumental liar or someone with such a lack of judgment that you cant logically have any confidence in anything he has to say.
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #170 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 6:54pm
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 6:07pm:
Ajax wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 5:47pm:
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 5:31pm:
Ajax, you come straight from the global warming denial pages and cut and paste all their pseudo science here knowing that these are blogs set up by the international fossil fuel industry for their own self interests and then you question why we believe in real scientists doing real science who according to you have some sinister thing happening with big business to charge us all tax ... to what end? Who the Fux knows?  Your either the stupidest person on this forum or just a liar here on a mission (with a few of your other friends) to do the bidding of the international fossil fuel industry.  After all you do make a lot of use of their material in your cut and paste rants.

Hey clown

The fossil fuel industry is on your warmist arse side.

Oh whats wrong Ajax, is this stupid unimaginative response the best you can do? What happened? Nothing on your bosses global warming deniers page you could cut and paste and had to do some thinking of your own. P!ss off you and your NIPCC propaganda brought to us and paid for by your bosses, the heartland institute, you immoral piece of S$!t.   

supreme basal sarcasm
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #171 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 8:03pm
I'm with

you said it all very well my friend. Smiley
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #172 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 8:16pm
Ajax wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 4:55pm:
Show me a recent newspaper article where big oil is against these new taxes on CO2.

Is Gina Reinhart big enough for you?
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #173 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 8:23pm
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 6:07pm:
Oh whats wrong Ajax, is this stupid unimaginative response the best you can do? What happened? Nothing on your bosses global warming deniers page you could cut and paste and had to do some thinking of your own. P!ss off you and your NIPCC propaganda brought to us and paid for by your bosses, the heartland institute, you immoral piece of S$!t.   

What can you bring to the table apart from ad hominems dude....???
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1. There has never been a more serious assault on our standard of living than Anthropogenic Global Warming..Ajax
2. "One hour of freedom is worth more than 40 years of slavery &  prison" Regas Feraeos
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #174 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 8:44pm
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 6:26pm:
If Ajax has the courage to come back he might do a response to the following which I posted a while ago but he did not have the courage to reply to

" Sure the IPCC could be wrong but frankly anyone who would be convinced by your unqualified nonsensical rants over the word of climate scientists would have to be a complete fool. 

And anyone who believes a carbon credit derivatives market will reduce manmade CO2 emissions has to be a bit light upstairs.......???

Once those moguls start licking their chops there aint no stopping them....!!!! to see you try...????

It would be like accepting the view of a first aid assistant over a surgeon on whether to perform brain surgery.

If it wasn't for sceptics you would still believe that there was no medieval warm period and a mini ice age thanks to Michael Mann's hockey stick.

You would still believe that there is a hot spot in the tropopause and that all glaciers would melt by 2035.

You would have been shocked to find ice in the arctic in 2013 cause they said it would all be gone by then.

You would still believe the missing heat from the last 15 years was in the deep ocean layers, or was that the top ocean layers.

Would they have told you about the last 15 years and how instead of unequivocal warming trend of 0.2 degrees per decade its only been 0.05 degrees per decade.

Lucky you have sceptics because the sceptics scrutinise ever piece of evidence that the IPCC and other alarmist organisation put out to the public.

Unlike your warmist arse who excepts their pseudo science verbatim.

The sceptics don' should be tanking them, that's what science is all about..........!!!!

And for you to think that you can second guess the climate scientists shows a decided lack of basic judgment and total lack of any adult sense of responsibility. 

I'm second guessing scientists am I, dude its 9:30pm bedtime dude is your mummy calling yet.....!!!!

In view of what's at stake even if I, the first aid assistant, had misgivings about the surgeons advice I would never try and convince the patient to ignore it because I'm a 1000 times more likely to be wrong then he is.

Hey its not my data i'm presenting, its other doctors data that aren't on the anthropogenic gravy train and that don't agree with the AGW hypothesis.

If the alarmist scientists had any certainty that they where right why have they NEVER debated AGW.......????

They say this is the science, we are right you shut up sit down and listen to us.

SORRY don't work that way.....????

Why do they get upset if their work is scrutinised...???

FFS Newton handed his principia over to the university to scrutinize it and make sure that it was correct.

If they are indeed right why all the secrecy, why wont Michael Mann let the sceptics inspect the program used to obtain his hockey stick.

See there is so many holes in the AGW armour its strange how they're still around.

Grow up. Have a rethink about this subject because your putting a lot of lives in jeopardy on a call your not qualified to make."

I'm putting lives at risk....???'m not even a climate scientist FFS.

You lot talk so much sh!t its not even funny......!!!!

Again I suspect there was nothing on the "Ready Replies" Climate Change Deniers bloggers page that Ajax could cut and paste from so he just ignored the post.   

Bring it on you want to debate something bring it on champ.....!!!!!!!

But you got to ask yourself, how honest can a person be who has no real climate science expertise and yet insists that his judgment on the possibility of global warming is superior to the judgment of an overwhelming majority of the worlds best climate scientists.

Just like your alarmist scientist who are too scared to debate their own science you are trying to twist the facts.

I'm only quoting what other scientists have said...!!!

That's what makes it credible, if it was my opinion I guess people would pay as much attention to me as to deathridesahorse.

The guy's either a monumental liar or someone with such a lack of judgment that you cant logically have any confidence in anything he has to say.

Bring it on champ what would you like debate about anthropogenic global warming......??????
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1. There has never been a more serious assault on our standard of living than Anthropogenic Global Warming..Ajax
2. "One hour of freedom is worth more than 40 years of slavery &  prison" Regas Feraeos
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #175 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 8:47pm
muso wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 8:16pm:
Ajax wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 4:55pm:
Show me a recent newspaper article where big oil is against these new taxes on CO2.

Is Gina Reinhart big enough for you?

Don't really know, maybe she's a rebel...???

Maybe there's nothing in it for her..don't know...!!!!!
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1. There has never been a more serious assault on our standard of living than Anthropogenic Global Warming..Ajax
2. "One hour of freedom is worth more than 40 years of slavery &  prison" Regas Feraeos
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #176 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 10:05pm
Ajax wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 8:44pm:
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 6:26pm:
If Ajax has the courage to come back he might do a response to the following which I posted a while ago but he did not have the courage to reply to

" Sure the IPCC could be wrong but frankly anyone who would be convinced by your unqualified nonsensical rants over the word of climate scientists would have to be a complete fool. 

And anyone who believes a carbon credit derivatives market will reduce manmade CO2 emissions has to be a bit light upstairs.......???

But why would that concern you?

You have no issues with rising atmospheric concentration of CO2.

In any case the solution should be measured regulation on a global scale.

The CFC link to ozone depletion drove rapid regulation of CFC use internationally

Worked rather well don't you think.

Or was the science politicized and made into a religion for CFCs too?

Your church is very busy these days with its flat earth society and alchemy agenda
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #177 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 11:07pm
Ajax wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 8:44pm:
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 6:26pm:
If Ajax has the courage to come back he might do a response to the following which I posted a while ago but he did not have the courage to reply to

" Sure the IPCC could be wrong but frankly anyone who would be convinced by your unqualified nonsensical rants over the word of climate scientists would have to be a complete fool.

And anyone who believes a carbon credit derivatives market will reduce manmade CO2 emissions has to be a bit light upstairs.......???

Once those moguls start licking their chops there aint no stopping them....!!!! to see you try...????

And you begin by evading the point. Whats the matter? No ready reply on your Corporate sponsored bloggers page you can cut and paste for us?  It's your denials that global warming is caused by humans that is relevant here. That's what the scientists are talking about (the effectiveness or otherwise of the carbon emissions scheme is a different issue). Its the science that your saying is rubbish even though the qualified scientists who put together the IPCC reports overwhelmingly disagree with you.  You, who have absolutely no qualifications in the field and can only cut and paste from the denier sites set up specifically by the international fossil fuel industry so minions like you can disseminate their pseudo science to deceive the world and serve their corporate masters.  What do you get out of it Ajax? Tell us. A few silver coins thrown your way?

Ajax wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 8:44pm:
If it wasn't for sceptics you would still believe that there was no medieval warm period and a mini ice age thanks to Michael Mann's hockey stick

I beg your pardon, your not a sceptic.  Proper skepticism requires just as much discipline, hard work and reasoned analysis as the theories and theorists they challenge. Otherwise why should we bother listening to them. Anyone can say no, that’s not true. No, what you are is a denier.  Someone whose not capable of the rigorous analysis involved and not interested in putting in the hard work and long hours but just simply wants to do all he can to muddy the waters and confuse as many as he can for the benefit of his unconscionable corporate masters.

Ajax wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 8:44pm:
I'm second guessing scientists am I, dude its 9:30pm bedtime dude is your mummy calling yet.....!!!!

Evading again.  I mean, what on earth does this mean for F#$k sake. OK, so we're clear, read my lips, “Your second guessing scientists!!!!” Experts in a field that you have not got the faintest clue about.   

In view of what's at stake even if I, the first aid assistant, had misgivings about the surgeons advice I would never try and convince the patient to ignore it because I'm a 1000 times more likely to be wrong then he is.

Hey its not my data i'm presenting, its other doctors data that aren't on the anthropogenic gravy train and that don't agree with the AGW hypothesis.

Don’t you think it takes just as much knowledge, experience, hard work, and scientific know how to assess the veracity of an argument against anthropogenic climate change as it does to assess an argument for it.  When you cut and paste from you’re corporate masters’ site you still got to know that what your cutting and pasting makes scientific sense, and frankly you don’t.  You have no knowledge in the field and you cant even tell whether those who have prepared the arguments for you to disseminate have any relevant qualifications themselves. 

SORRY don't work that way.....????

Listen to the little minion, doesn’t know sh!t about anything telling us how it does and doesn’t work. 

Why do they get upset if their work is scrutinised...???

You serious!!! They just released their latest report to the world, knowing it would be scrutinized not only by fellow scientists but non-scientists like you, with no interest in the truth but simply to find fault to advance the interests of their corporate masters for the sake of what? Some small benefits thrown your way?  
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« Last Edit: Oct 8th, 2013 at 11:50pm by ImSpartacus2 »  
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #178 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 11:14pm
Ajax wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 8:44pm:
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 6:26pm:
Grow up. Have a rethink about this subject because your putting a lot of lives in jeopardy on a call your not qualified to make."

I'm putting lives at risk....???'m not even a climate scientist FFS.

You lot talk so much sh!t its not even funny......!!!!

The more you try to muddy the waters and delay action on global warming the more lives you put at risk and please remember this; the internet never forgets.  A day will come when people will realize that there were those who deliberately tried to delay action on global warming for their own selfish purposes and I believe by that time people will see such behavior as a crime against humanity and I think the first thing they will want to know is how a nobody with no relevant scientific background could so emphatically insist that an overwhelming majority of climate scientists were wrong and he was right. 

Again I suspect there was nothing on the "Ready Replies" Climate Change Deniers bloggers page that Ajax could cut and paste from so he just ignored the post.   

Bring it on you want to debate something bring it on champ.....!!!!!!!

I wont debate the science with you because I’m not a scientist and your not a scientists and your opinion of the science is frankly worthless.   

But you got to ask yourself, how honest can a person be who has no real climate science expertise and yet insists that his judgment on the possibility of global warming is superior to the judgment of an overwhelming majority of the worlds best climate scientists. [quote]

[quote author=Ajax link=1380242167/174#174 date=1381229064]Just like your alarmist scientist who are too scared to debate their own science you are trying to twist the facts.

I'm only quoting what other scientists have said...!!!

Your not qualified to properly assess whether the so called “scientists” you refer to are properly qualified and whether, what they have to say presents any real challenge to what the genuine climate scientists are saying about global warming. So p!ss off and go learn a bit of judgment because one day the world might very well want to seek you out and punish you for your lack of it.   
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« Last Edit: Oct 8th, 2013 at 11:40pm by ImSpartacus2 »  
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Re: Why I don’t believe in Catastrophic Climate Change
Reply #179 - Oct 8th, 2013 at 11:44pm
Ajax wrote on Oct 8th, 2013 at 8:44pm:
Bring it on champ what would you like debate about anthropogenic global warming......??????


He has absolutely no interest in debating you.

He actually thinks that AGW is "an undeniable fact of nature" (don't laugh, he actually does believe that).

His plan is to shut down debate.

However, he's failed up until now, and he'll continue to fail as long as I'm around.

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