This is getting tiresome and will no doubt try muso's patience, but here goes (again):
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 30
th, 2013 at 8:55pm:
Why couldn't you just answer with a simple 'yes' or 'no' ?
a) you believe that all questions can be answered either 'yes' or 'no'. That is, you're a simpleton or;
b) you pretend to believe so. That is, you're a troll.
greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 2
nd, 2013 at 12:33pm:
I doubt if there are many on here who are as far to the left as I am.
Is a left-wing troll any less a troll? Is a left-wing simpleton any less a simpleton?
As I've
already pointed out, you've given no cause to suppose that you believe a word you say. There's no reason to give you credit for any politics at all - a complete vacuum, in more ways than one.
greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 2
nd, 2013 at 12:33pm:
They also assume that just because of my open-minded scepticism, ...
Which you've failed to substantiate on
so many occasions that I've lost count.
greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 2
nd, 2013 at 12:51pm:
# wrote on Sep 29
th, 2013 at 7:30am:
... Global warming; remember that? You treat it as a joke.
au contraireWhat I
do treat as a joke is closed-minded fools who have no capacity to think for themselves, ...
That reminds me of a
comment I encountered while researching Andrew Khan (Poptech)
Quote:That’s right Andrew, do you support child molestation? If not, you’re a COLLECTIVIST.
Do you believe in moon landing conspiracy theorists? If not, you’re BRAINWASHED.
Do you exercise your freedom to smoke pot? If not, you HATE FREEDOM.
Do you believe in 9/11 conspiracy theories? No? You’re not a FREE THINKER.
Do you have empirical evidence you were born from your mother’s womb? If not, you believe it on FAITH, NOT FACT.
Do you respond to criticism? YES, that means you’re DESPERATE AND SCARED THAT PEOPLE READ FACTS.
Do you ignore some? YES, because you’re afraid of giving FACTS the attention it deserves, which would CHANGE MINDS OF THINKING PEOPLE.
Mind you, Andrew at least seems to believe something. That is to say, he shows more integrity than you.
greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 2
nd, 2013 at 2:21pm:
This issue isn't about partisan politics, or consensus: it's about science.
So you're saying the the scientists reached their consensus on a basis other than science? I'll be interested to see your substantiation of that.
muso wrote on Oct 2
nd, 2013 at 2:49pm:
Maybe you should talk about the science then. I shouldn't be so hard on Ajax. At least he tries to do that.
Ajax too shows more integrity than greggerypeccary.
greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 2
nd, 2013 at 3:06pm:
I've dealt with many alarmists.
What I have learned is that it's a complete waste of time discussing the science with them They simply do not wish to listen to anything that differs from their own preconceived, arrogant views.
As the previous poster said: it's more like a religion with you alarmists. In all my years, I have never encountered a more closed-minded group of people (except perhaps religious fundamentalists).
Which brings us back to the above comments about Andrew Khan.
greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 2
nd, 2013 at 3:32pm:
... I've never encountered a more closed-minded or arrogant group of people in my life.
Look in a mirror.
greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 2
nd, 2013 at 3:32pm:
Moreover, I've lost count of the amount of times that you and other alarmists have used the term 'consensus'. Just more evidence of your complete lack of understanding when it comes to science.
So what are your credentials?
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 28
th, 2013 at 5:56pm:
... I'm not adverse to onanism ...
It's been suggested that the reason you don't substantiate anything is that it would mean more typing. That might require you to use both hands on the keyboard.