Vuk11 wrote on Oct 17
th, 2013 at 2:59pm:
Lol no one is saying that c02 doesn't trap heat and no one is saying that producing c02 ourselves isn't c02 or that it doesn't trap heat.
The issue is like you say how much does it trap, what would be the effects of increasing c02 and most importantly how does the climate react/adapt to these changes. As we have seen the impact of c02 has been vastly overstated, this began with Al-Gore preaching how snow would be a thing of the past and there'd be widespread catastrophic weather events and we'd all die with runaway warming.
The climate sinks were underestimated and now used as an excuse, the knowledge is still insufficient to determine how each driver effects the other drivers. The impact of c02 increases alongside solar cycles is still in debate.
So I guess I sort of understand now why you are calling AGW a fact. You are confusing man made warming with man made greenhouse effects. The greenhouse effect does have some scientists trying to disprove it and it's entertaining to listen to. However the AGW theory is all about how our increase of c02 is the main driver that is destroying the earth. That my friend is not fact.
You still don't understand the point I am making.
AGW implicitly states that HUMAN activities such as de-forestation and fossil fuel burning increases the average global temperature of the earth.
read my post again if you wish, I purposefully delineate between the simple fact that human activities are warming the planet (undeniable scientific FACT), and its effects long term and also HOW much that warming will be going forward.
The reality is that Anthropogenic Global Warming has been verified as a basic scientific fact since about the end of the 1990s when the last known natural radiation forcing cycle (solar irradiance cycle ~ 12 year period) was finally ruled out as a possible major thermal driver. In fact this natural candidate can be dismissed even prior to the year 1980 purely based on the large observed thermal retention "rates". It just became non controversial post 1980
If you recall, many AGW denialists would often use this graph to deceive people in thinking that the sun's varying irradiance was deriving the warming trends measured. They always showed data prior to 1980. Funny that, isn't it. Very good trick for the public, but doesn't seem to filter through the peer reviewed scientific publication process
Ah yes the good old days, when the denialist tricksters would cut this graph at about the year 1980.